Basic Amenities for Your Vacation Rental

vacation rental amenities

Vacation rentals come in all shapes and sizes and so what might be considered a “basic” amenity for a mountain lodge (jacuzzi) would be an amazing luxury in a city loft or tiny home. But no matter the type of vacation rental guests are looking for, there are some basics that all hosts should have in place to help ensure strong reviews. Let’s talk about them!

Strong Wifi

Face it, nobody says, “that place I stayed at had Internet that was WAY too fast.” As consumers we expect to get onto the Internet without too much friction and for it to have very high speeds all the time.

While it might be tempting to realize some savings by opting for an Internet plan for your vacation rental that’s “good enough” you’re opening yourself up to complaints that may make their way into reviews.

Have strong Internet speeds coming into your router and make sure that signal throughout the property is acceptable.

Power Strips

Just as we have more and more expectations of great Internet speed, we also need plug-in spots for our devices when we decide to camp out in a spot. Those might be near a kitchen table or bar, or next to the couch or bed, or even outside a deck. Have a power strip handy so that people can plug in multiple devices and not have to decide which device will have to wait it’s turn to get charged.

Bathroom Basics

You don’t need to have a full layout of spa amenities, but do have shampoo, conditioner, body wash, and a basic moisturizing lotion on hand. A hair dryer is also key.

Kitchen Basics

You should have enough plates and bowls and utensils for the number of guests who can stay. That is, you can’t only have two bowls and plates if up to four guests can stay at your place. Have enough dishes and flatware for your guests, and then some.

You should also have great pots and pans and knives. They don’t need to be Top Chef ready, but they shouldn’t look like something you bought at a garage sale yesterday. Periodically check to make sure your knives are sharp and these pots and pans still look ready to use.

Also make sure you have things like corkscrews, bottle openers, pizza slicers, and can openers on hand, with backups!

Finally, don’t forget salt and pepper!

Hot and Cold

Some locations necessitate air conditioning and heating, while other listings are in climates where a fan or space heater would do. If your listing is in a milder climate make sure you have those fans or space heaters on hand for guests to use if they want.

First Aid

You never want guests to hurt themselves, but you do want them to have supplies should they need to put a small bandaid on a cut or put some lotion on a mosquito bite. 

Have a first aid kit clearly marked in your home guide so guests know where to find it. Consider having it near a fire extinguisher as well.

Office Supplies

More and more people are taking “workcations” as remote work has become more and more common. So apart from having a flat area someone could use as a working surface, consider having basics like a stapler, scotch tape, pens, and paper handy.


We’re all familiar with the “but first, coffee” t-shirts, so why are we putting this last in our list? Because most vacation rentals have a coffee solution in place, but we would encourage you to consider having more than one option available.

If you have a traditional drip coffee maker, make sure that you have a solid supply of filters.

Consider a single-use machine like a Nespresso, but also the more “manual” single-use alternatives, like a French press or a traditional Italian Moka pot. If you want to get really fancy with your coffee you could have a Chemex on hand for those who want to do their own pour-overs.

So there you have it. These basic amenities will not just put a smile on your guests’ faces, but those smiles will end up in reviews of your property, which will translate to more revenue in your pockets.

This content originally appeared in our twice-monthly Guest Book Newsletter.

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