First-Rate Cleaning Services in Richmond

Whether You Need Your Residence or a Vacation Rental Cleaning, Maid This Can Help

MaidThis Richmond cleaning services trust badge
House unit in Richmond, Virginia
Vacation rental unit in Richmond, Virginia



Matched Cleanings



Hours Saved





5-Star Reviews

Our Cleaning Services

Residential cleaning services benefits


  • Easy-to-read website explains the cost of MaidThis clearly
  • We will flex with your schedule
  • You get only the elite 2% cleaners in the market
Vacation rental cleaning services benefits

Vacation Rental

  • You can check or change your cleaning schedule anytime
  • We provide schedule and condition notifications
  • Your maids are trained to work any property

With 5 Stars Rating on

What Clients Are Saying

20+ Saved hours

Gus, Residential Customer

“Using the platform was super simple. I’ve used my cleaners five times now, and the one time I did have to reschedule it was super easy, hassle-free. It’s really simple, it’s easy, and they’ve done great job.”

25+ Saved hours

Jordan, Residential Customer

“My wife and I are thrilled how easy everything is with MaidThis, and now I’m a customer for life! If you don’t want to go through the hassle of finding your own cleaner, definitely try MaidThis”

70+ Saved hours

Suzy, Residential Customer

“I work a full-time job and I have a small kids at home, so by the time I get home the LAST thing I want to do is clean. If you need to save time, I recommend going through MaidThis. Their customer system was amazing.”

90+ Saved hours

Brent, Airbnb Host

“At first I tried to take care of all of the cleaning process myself, and it turned out to be a bigger headache than anything else. So a friend told me about MaidThis and its been fantastic. I’ve been working with my cleaners for a few months so far. I recommend you check out the service for yourself.”

90+ Saved hours

Laura G, Airbnb Host

“I definitely think that as a company we’ve been able to make more money, not only because we’re saving money by using Maid This, but also because they’re helping take a few of the necessary evils with doing vacation rentals off of the property managers plate.”

House cleaning or vacation rental/Airbnb cleaning services
Maid service in Richmond, Virginia

Get a Thorough Housecleaning or Airbnb Cleaning

Your maids will work from their training to provide you with a fresh, clean home. Please provide a checklist so we can easily meet your standards for house cleaning services.

Book or change your housekeeping services with a few keystrokes

Because our residential and commercial cleaning services are contracted, we can easily work with your schedule needs to get you well-trained cleaners when and where you need them.

Rely on professional maids for a thorough cleaning of your property

Your vacation rental/Airbnb cleaning service professionals are trained to carefully review each space, cleaning as they go and leaving the space fresh and ready for use.

Enjoy the time you free up!

Whether you need cleaning services in Richmond for your home or an Airbnb, we can make your life easier. Get your Virginia house or apartment cleaned before the weekend and enjoy!

Housekeeping service

Our 5-Step Cleaner Screening Process

Our Mission: To connect you with the finest house cleaning specialists in Richmond and beyond!

Only 2% of domestic maid applicants make it through this screening process


The Online Application

Professional maids who want to partner with MaidThis Richmond put in an online application, which is carefully reviewed by our cleaning company’s team.


In-Depth Telephone Interview

Your potential maids will need to undergo a diligent phone screening to confirm information on their application. Their previous experience is carefully reviewed at this time.


In-Person Meeting

Our next step is to schedule an in-person meeting with each maid applicant. References and history are checked, and we also study body language and attitude.


Extensive Maids Orientation

Your potential maids are invited to participate in an orientation. Our goal is to make sure that they fully understand our standards before we proceed.


Thorough Background Check

All of maids go through a background check. We want to be certain that your Richmond property and possessions are safe before we let an individual into your home.

What You Will Get From Your Reliable Cleaning Service

You can adjust your schedule

Our maid service providers are all easy to reach if your schedule gets out of hand. We understand that cleaning times may sometimes need to be moved.

We’re not satisfied until you’re happy!

Our goal is always to make sure that you’re happy with the standard of maid service provided. Please let us know if anything is not right so we can address it.

Background checks are standard

Whether you need residential or commercial cleaning services, you can be sure that your property and possessions are secure. All of our maids undergo a background check before they access any property.

You can easily reach us

We understand that schedules can get crazy! If you need to change the date or time of your house cleaning services in Richmond, you can easily reach us and reschedule.

We welcome your feedback

Our goal is that you’ll be so happy with your Richmond cleaning service you’ll have to reach out. However, we really need to know if you’re not happy. Whatever your experience, we welcome your feedback.

Pricing, billing and payment

Once you visit our website and fill out our questionnaire, you will know how much our home or vacation rental/Airbnb cleaning service will cost. Book your first appointment and prepare to be pleased!

Cleaning services in Richmond, Virginia


Do the cleaning crews do laundry?

The cleaning crews typically focus on general cleaning tasks, but for any specific or special cleaning needs such as laundry, it’s advisable to contact the cleaning company directly. Professional maids may offer additional services or accommodate special requests, so reaching out to the company is the best way to inquire about laundry services or any other specific cleaning needs. Please contact us for more details

How long will it take the maids to complete their work in my Richmond home?

Every cleaning job is unique, but in general, it takes a cleaning crew a few hours to do a typical house cleaning job. They’ll always be done before you or your guests arrive or you need to use the house.

Do I need to leave any cleaning supplies or equipment for the housekeepers to use?

Leave trash can liners, laundry detergent if you order laundry services, and dish soap if the team will be doing dishes as part of their assignment. Other than that, you don’t need to provide anything for standard cleaning jobs.

Do you do deep cleaning, custom jobs or take special requests?

Yes. Be sure to let us know in advance if your property needs special attention to any particular area or if you want added services like laundry, dishes, or deep cleaning.

How far in advance should I make an appointment?

To get the time slot you want, it’s best to book at least 48 hours in advance. However, we can usually work with your schedule and set up an initial appointment when you need it. After that, it’s simple to make a recurring appointment for regular cleaning jobs.

Do the crews do deep cleaning?

If you need deep cleaning service, alert us in advance because standard residential, rental, and commercial jobs do not include it as part of the ordinary services. However, the maids will do it if you make the request.

What if I need to cancel or change an appointment time?

It’s not a problem, particularly if you do so more than 24 hours in advance. We have a no-charge policy with cancellations, so there’s no need to worry. But for the sake of efficiency and future scheduling, try to make cancellations more than 24 hours ahead of time.

How much professional experience do the maids have?

All the maids are thoroughly vetted and have the relevant housekeeping experience. They’re all fully prepared to clean houses, apartments, rental units, condos, and commercial properties. Some have decades of experience, while others are relatively new to the cleaning services.

Can the maid teams do move-in and move-out cleaning jobs?

Yes. We’re happy to set you up with maid teams that can clean your new home before you move in or your old one before moving out. Just let us know in advance, and we’ll be fully prepared for any housekeeping task.

Will the maids update me about the property?

They will inform you of any unusual circumstances, like damage done by a renter, so you can take appropriate action. You’re never left out of the loop and can contact us for more information anytime.