MaidThis – FAQs

Common Questions

Vacation Rental Policies

Who is MaidThis?

You should not have to worry about managing cleaners hoping they show up. You focus on what you do best and let us handle the turnover process.

What YOU Get With MaidThis:

RELIABLE, high-quality, and trustworthy cleaners for your short-term rental unit
Allows you to focus on hosting instead of managing cleaners
Gets you that 5-star rating!

Will my cleaners know how to clean short-term rentals?

Heck yes they do! A regular cleaning is NOT the same as a turnover cleaning, and we know that. All domestic workers are vetted and have experience in turnover cleaning and know exactly what is needed.

Before your cleaning, please provide any specific cleaning notes that can be unique to your property. We will add these notes to your accout on your behalf so the referred crew is always aware of what is needed.

Do cleaners bring their own supplies?

Yup! Your cleaners typically bring everything needed for your cleaning. However, the cleaners typically will not bring laundry detergent, dishwasher soap, or trash can liner. Just add in your booking notes where those are stored at your unit:)

What if the cleaners mess up?

You get a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. If the cleaners missed something that should have been included in our Services, just let us or your cleaner know directly.

How do you ensure quality?

Your cleaners will all have experience in short-term rental cleaning. If anything is missed, just let your cleaner or us know directly and we’ll ensure you’re taken care of. We have helped coordinate almost 100,000 cleanings to date – we know the biz!

How do your handle key exchange?

Most hosts have a lockbox or hide the key somewhere for the cleaners. Please provide the location of the key or lockbox code in the notes schedule when you book.

How soon in advance do I need to schedule?

You’ll need to schedule a cleaning 48 hours before. However, we totally recommend scheduling cleanings as far in advance as possible -you can always log in and schedule all upcoming cleanings you have. We always do our best to accommodate cleaners but if you request a cleaner very last minute (under 48 hours), we unfortunately cannot guarantee availability 🙁

If you have a same day booking, please give us a call to see if we have availability and we’ll work our butts off to help you!

What is your cancellation policy?

We get it, sometimes guests may cancel last minute and things come up. Because of this, we do not have a cancellation fee if you cancel at least 1 day before the cleaning. If you cancel after 4PM the day before the cleaning or on the same day as the cleaning, a cancellation fee will apply.

Do my cleaners do laundry?

Yup! As long as you have a washer & dryer on-site. If you do NOT need laundry, you may qualify for a discounted rate.

I’m ready to rock, how do I schedule my first cleaning?

Awesome! We would like to speak with you first and fully understand your unit/needs. You can visit and fill out that quick form and someone will get back to you ASAP.

Or if you’re feeling super exited and want to get going, just schedule a turnover cleaning here:

Are these your own cleaners?

Nope! MaidThis Referral Agency does not hire “Domestic Workers” or “Independent Contractors.” MaidThis refers “Independent Domestic Workers.” The difference is that domestic referral agencies are required to follow the California civil code (i.e. we’re just the matchmaker and software provider…not actual cleaner!). ​

Do you have an Availability Guarantee?

Heck yeah we do! Just book 48 hours in advance and we GUARANTEE you’ll get a cleaner! If you book in under 48 hours before the cleaning, we will go above and beyond to accommodate but cannot guarantee availability!

What about Damages?

Your cleaners will do their absolutely best to keep an eagle eye out for damages to make sure you’re protected! Buuuut they cannot always catch everything, so MaidThis is not in charge of any damages caused by the guests which are not reported.

When Will My Cleaners Arrive?

Your goal is to have the place cleaned before your next guest, and that’s what is going to happen! Your cleaners will have the place ready before the scheduled arrival time of the next guest…the cleaners may NOT arrive exactly at the scheduled time. So your cleaners arrive some time in between the check out and check in time to get your place looking good 🙂

What if there are no keys in the lockbox or the code doesn’t work?

You’ve been there… cleaners calling and texting like mad because there are no keys in the lockbox, new guests find the code isn’t working… it’s a dinner ruiner for sure! Your cleaner may call, text and generally make a huge fuss for the next 30 minutes after arrival until they get a hold of you. When you are aware of the issue and coordinating with the previous guest to bring the keys back or get the new lockbox code, the cleaners can stay at your unit until the keys/code are found and everything is ready for your new guests.

What if my guests trashed my place?

Chances are you have had a less-than-clean guest who leaves the place wayyy too trashed. Now you’re pulling your hair off to figure out how to get the place in tip-top shape before the next guest arrives ahhhh! You need to make sure that not only is your place fully cleaned, but also be EXTRA watchful to make sure nothing is damaged. MaidThis to the rescue! You can upgrade to a longer deep cleaning – your cleaner will chat with you (or us) about it, and make adjustments.

Loss of Revenue

We’ve helped match over 50,000 cleanings (seriously!).

If your guest is upset about a part of the cleaning that should have been done, our policy is that we can help coordinate a cleaner to come back and fix it for the guests. Your guests should be happy with your place and we’ll help do our part for that. Buuutt all we can do is make it right by ensuring the problem gets fixed, so if your guest wants to cancel the reservation, unfortunately that’s totally out of our control and we can’t cover any costs associated with that.

Do you perform pet friendly cleaning services?

Absolutely! We work with domestic workers who love animals and will gladly perform high-quality clean-ups around them. If your furry friend is friendly and comfortable around strangers, you can leave it with your professional crew and even give them a pet’s name so they can chat with it while working.