Top-Rated House Cleaning Services in Denver

Hassle-Free House Cleaners For Busy Individuals and Vacation Rental Hosts


The MaidThis Promise

Cleaning services in Denver, Colorado
Maid service in Denver, Colorado






Hours Saved





5-Star Reviews

Our House Cleaning Services in Denver

AirBnb cleaning services


  • Easy, transparent pricing
  • Cancel any time
  • Top 2% of cleaners in the market!
Vacation rental cleaning services

Vacation Rental

  • Calendar syncing to automate scheduling
  • You can create your own report
  • Never a No-Show Guarantee

With 5 Stars Rating on

What Clients Are Saying

20+ Saved hours

Gus, CA

“Using the platform was super simple. I’ve used my cleaners five times now, and the one time I did have to reschedule it was super easy, hassle-free. It’s really simple, it’s easy, and they’ve done great job.”

25+ Saved hours

Jordan, CA

“My wife and I are thrilled how easy everything is with MaidThis, and now I’m a customer for life! If you don’t want to go through the hassle of finding your own cleaner, definitely try MaidThis”

70+ Saved hours

Suzy, CA

“I work a full-time job and I have a small kids at home, so by the time I get home the LAST thing I want to do is clean. If you need to save time, I recommend going through MaidThis. Their customer system was amazing.”

90+ Saved hours

Brent, Airbnb Host

“At first I tried to take care of all of the cleaning process myself, and it turned out to be a bigger headache than anything else. So a friend told me about MaidThis and its been fantastic. I’ve been working with my cleaners for a few months so far. I recommend you check out the service for yourself.”

90+ Saved hours

Laura G, Airbnb Host

“I definitely think that as a company we’ve been able to make more money, not only because we’re saving money by using Maid This, but also because they’re helping take a few of the necessary evils with doing vacation rentals off of the property managers plate.”

AirBnb cleaning in Denver
House cleaning services in Denver

How your house cleaning service works

If you want to schedule professional and time-saving cleaning services near you, Maid This Denver is your go-to company. All you need to do is select your cleaning service, specify the size of your property in Denver, input the preferred date and time, book, and voila – you can finally say goodbye to all your house cleaning worries!

Book in less than a minute

Go to our state-of-the-art booking platform and schedule your house cleaning in 60 seconds!

Have a cleaning lady come over to your place in Denver

Your carefully-vetted and experienced maids deliver comprehensive house maid services throughout the Denver area.

Enjoy your newfound time

Entrust your cleaning to skilled maids near you and relax! You’ll finally have more time to spend with your loved ones and enjoy every day to the fullest.

Maid services in Denver

Check out our detailed 5-step screening process

Our Mission: To connect you with the finest house cleaning specialists in Denver and beyond!

Only 2% of all the applicants pass our entire screening process successfully, and that’s whom we work with exclusively.


Online Application

The cleaner applicant must go through our super rigorous custom online screening test. Only if they are approved, they move to Phase 2


1st Phone Screening

Next, MaidThis hops on a call with the cleaner for more intense interrogation


In-Person Meeting

The interrogation isn’t over yet! We screen the potential cleaner in-person as well and run through our list of questions



If the cleaner makes it through these 3 intense rounds, they move to the orientation phase with our operations team


Background Check

The last phase is to screen candidates and make sure your cleaner is background checked!

Here is what we bring to the table

Online booking

Book a great Denver cleaning service near you in 60 seconds and save your time. We won’t surprise you with any hidden fees or additional expenses when you least expect it.

Excellent customer service

At Maid This Denver, we do our best to answer all your inquiries fast and resolve any complaints within 48 hours. Fill our contact form online or reach out to us at (720) 826-8188.

Carefully-vetted cleaners

We have developed an in-depth vetting process to ensure we team up with the best Denver maids. Only 2% of all the candidates make it through to the end and become a part of our Denver cleaning services team.

Hassle-free rescheduling

If something comes up and you need to reschedule your maid service, log onto our platform, and pick another date. We also send frequent reminders via email to help you keep track of your appointments.

Simple follow up

We actively seek your feedback after every appointment, allowing you to offer suggestions or address any issues. You can also request to change a cleaner if you’re not happy, and we will do as requested.

Secure online payment

We offer a secure cash-free payment option via for all our house cleaning services in Denver and the area. We will only charge you two days after the maid service once we’re sure that you’re fully satisfied with our service.

Denver cleaning services

Frequently Asked Questions

Why should you hire a cleaning service?

If you’re still on the fence about whether you should book a maid service near you to clean your home or hire a skilled cleaner in Denver to clean your Airbnb, take a look at all the reasons for and discover the major benefits of taking our Denver cleaning service. Our Denver cleaners do everything, from simple floor cleaning to deep cleaning your entire home.

For homeowners:

  • Convenience
  • More free time
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • A clean, healthy, and germ-free home
  • High-quality and more detailed service
  • Effective cleaning products that offer quality results

For Airbnb/vacation rental owners:

  • Experienced staff
  • Continuous results
  • Guests who will want to return
  • Less responsibility and reduced stress
  • Top-quality cleaning products and tools
  • More time to focus on the growth of your vacation rental business
  • Better reviews (everyone would enjoy staying in a squeaky clean property)
  • An automated scheduling system that syncs up with your booking calendar

At Maid This Denver, we strive to find the right solutions for all your needs for Airbnb and house cleaning in the area. We ensure you can relax and spend more time with your family or focus on running your vacation rental business. In other words, we try to make it easy for you and not let cleaning come between you and your goals.

What is included in a regular house cleaning?

A regular house cleaning is designed to cover all the essential spots in your Denver home and maintain high hygiene levels at all times. These are some of the chores that always find their place on it:

  • Dusting surfaces
  • Dusting and wiping furniture
  • Vacuuming carpets
  • Mopping floors
  • Emptying trash cans
  • Changing linens
  • Cleaning the kitchen (dusting surfaces, countertops, the outside of appliances, kitchen table, and similar)
  • Scrubbing the bathroom (cleaning cabinets, shower, tub, toilet, vanity, doorknobs, and fixtures)

At MaidThis Denver, we offer a regular house cleaning service that can be booked online and further customized by adding any of the amazing extras we offer. Visit our website and schedule custom maid services in Denver or the surrounding area in 60 seconds!

How often should a maid clean your house?

How often you should have a cleaning lady visit your home in Denver mostly depends on your requirements, lifestyle, and preferences. In general, weekly appointments are considered a standard, especially if you have small children or pets, but you can always adjust the home cleaning schedule to fit your exact needs.

If you’re not sure how often you should schedule your cleaning service, you can rely on us to offer you our honest advice. Feel free to tell us what you need, and we will be happy to help you come up with a schedule that checks off all the boxes for you.

How do I clean my Airbnb fast?

With guests coming and leaving, you need to clean your rental unit fast, but still ensure maximum results and not skip anything since a dirty sink or a smudged mirror can cost you your five-star review. To avoid making such crucial mistakes, call MaidThis Denver.

Our automated scheduling option makes things much simpler since all you need to do is sync your booking calendar with our platform, and we will make sure to send you your team for Airbnb/vacation rental cleaning in Denver on time. Your property will be cleaned by a trustworthy cleaning lady who knows how to handle a wide range of tasks with precision and expertise.

How do I choose the best Airbnb & house cleaning services near me in Denver?

Whether you need your cleaners to take care of your home or a rental unit, you want them to be responsible, skilled, and experienced. What’s more, before you make your final decision and select your maid service in Denver, you should take the time to explore your options and discover what works best for you. If you need our maid services for just carpet cleaning or for whole house cleaning we at Maid This Denver can provide you with advice and solutions. Here are some of the things that you should put on your “must-have” list that we offer:

  • Trustworthy & background-checked staff
  • Great customer service
  • Fast online booking option
  • Secure online payments
  • Flat-rate pricing with no hidden charges
  • Customized cleaning packages
  • Flexible rescheduling policy
  • Quality cleaning solutions and tools, etc.

If you’re searching for a dependable maid services or Airbnb/vacation rental cleaning services that fulfill all the above-mentioned criteria, look no further than MaidThis Denver. We have the best cleaning service to put a smile on your face and make you happy with your choice.

Why should I hire professional home cleaning services in Denver, Colorado?

There are several reasons why you should consider hiring professional home cleaning services in Denver, Colorado. First and foremost, a professional cleaning service can save you time and effort. With a busy lifestyle, cleaning your home can be time-consuming, and hiring a professional cleaning service can free up your time to focus on other tasks.

Secondly, a professional cleaning service can provide a deep and thorough cleaning that may not be possible with regular cleaning. They have the expertise, tools, and equipment necessary to clean every nook and cranny in your home, ensuring a clean and healthy living environment.

Thirdly, hiring a professional cleaning service can also save you money in the long run. Regular cleaning can prevent the buildup of dirt, grime, and other contaminants, which can lead to costly repairs or replacements in the future.

Finally, hiring a professional cleaning service can provide peace of mind. Knowing that your home is clean and healthy can alleviate stress and improve your overall well-being.

Contact Maid This Denver for home cleaning services and maid services in Denver metro areas.

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