Picture-Perfect Cleaning Services In Minneapolis

Busy Homeowners & Rental Hosts Get Headache-Free Cleaning Services

MaidThis Minneapolis trust badge


The MaidThis Promise

House unit in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Vacation rental unit in Minneapolis, Minnesota



Matched Cleanings



Hours Saved





5-Star Reviews

Our Cleaning Services

Residential cleaning services benefits

Residential Cleaning

  • Pricing That’s Totally Transparent
  • Need To Cancel Your Cleaning? It’s A-Okay
  • Our Cleaners Are Among Top 2% In The Industry
Vacation rental services benefits

Vacation Rental Cleaning

  • Scheduling Is Streamlined For Your Convenience
  • You Control Your Reporting. As It Should Be
  • Rest Easy With Our Never No-Show Guarantee

With 5 Stars Rating on

What Clients Are Saying

20+ Saved hours

Gus, CA

“Using the platform was super simple. I’ve used my cleaners five times now, and the one time I did have to reschedule it was super easy, hassle-free. It’s really simple, it’s easy, and they’ve done great job.”

25+ Saved hours

Jordan, CA

“My wife and I are thrilled how easy everything is with MaidThis, and now I’m a customer for life! If you don’t want to go through the hassle of finding your own cleaner, definitely try MaidThis”

70+ Saved hours

Suzy, CA

“I work a full-time job and I have a small kids at home, so by the time I get home the LAST thing I want to do is clean. If you need to save time, I recommend going through MaidThis. Their customer system was amazing.”

90+ Saved hours

Brent, Airbnb Host

“At first I tried to take care of all of the cleaning process myself, and it turned out to be a bigger headache than anything else. So a friend told me about MaidThis and its been fantastic. I’ve been working with my cleaners for a few months so far. I recommend you check out the service for yourself.”

90+ Saved hours

Laura G, Airbnb Host

“I definitely think that as a company we’ve been able to make more money, not only because we’re saving money by using Maid This, but also because they’re helping take a few of the necessary evils with doing vacation rentals off of the property managers plate.”

House cleaning or vacation rental/Airbnb cleaning services
Maid service in Minneapolis, Minnesota

Get Smooth House Cleaning Services or Airbnb Cleaning

Whether you want vacation rental/Airbnb cleaning service, private home cleaning services, or the best apartment cleaning maid service in Minnesota, we’ve got you covered. Call for an appointment today.

Booking is Quick & Easy, Every Time

Booking is hassle-free for whatever you need, including commercial cleaning services, house cleaning, rental cleaning, and more.

Maids Are Fast & Precise Every Step of the Way

Speed and attention to detail matter when you want the best vacation rental/Airbnb cleaning service and maid service in Minneapolis.

Decide How To Use The Additional Free Time

With the number one Minnesota housekeeping service on your side, you’ll be enjoying more free time than ever before. Take control of your schedule by booking a home or vacation rental cleaning service now.

Housekeeping service

Our 5-Step Cleaner Screening Process

Our Mission: To connect you with the finest house cleaning specialists in Minneapolis and beyond!

Only 2% of domestic maid applicants make it through this screening process


The Online Application

The thorough vetting and pre-check process starts when cleaning company applicants express a desire to partner housekeeping service. After the online application, our team checks out the details.


In-Depth Telephone Interview

Our interviewers ask detailed questions during the phone interview stage to gather information about skills, work experience, and relevant maid background. From that point, we review all their responses carefully.


In-Person Meeting

Cleaning company staff members conduct an in-depth, face-to-face interview with all prospective new housekeepers. We’re examining things like reliability, trustworthiness, home and Airbnb cleaning experience, and more.


Extensive Maids Orientation

There’s a lengthy orientation session in which prospective home cleaning services workers learn all the pertinent information and history of the company. This is essential for conveying our commitment to excellent housekeeping service.


Thorough Background Check

Finally, the interviewers wrap up the background check so customers can rest assured that all members of the house cleaning services team have been fully vetted and checked out in every way. It’s a crucial part of the process.

What You Will Get From Your Reliable Cleaning Service

Instantaneous Scheduling

Scheduling cleaning services in Minneapolis is a quick and straightforward affair. One call is all it takes, or use the short online form to set up your preferred time and place for your first service.

We Focus On Your Happiness

The professional cleaning crew members understand that the main goal is to make you, the customer, happy with the work, time after time. When you’re happy, we’re happy.

Screened, Checked-Out Maids

Whether you want commercial cleaning services, rental/Airbnb cleaning, or maids to clean your home, you’ll get fully screened cleaners, so you never have to worry about reliability or integrity.

Seamless Communication

When you hire cleaners through MaidThis, you get the best cleaning services in Minneapolis metro area. One reason is that our methods of communication are effortless and seamless. The lines are always open.

A Company Open To Feedback

We always want to know how you feel about the maid service you receive. Whether positive or not, your comments and suggestions help us maintain an unmatched level of excellence.

Stress-Free Billing & Payment

You’ll love our rapid payment and billing process. Not only is it streamlined and easy to use, it’s accurate and updated 24/7, so there’s never any lag time.

Cleaning services in Minneapolis, Minnesota


Do the cleaning crews do laundry?

Yes, if you need laundry services, let the team know in advance, and they’ll be happy to do the job. They do ask that you leave your preferred laundry detergent at the property. There’s an additional charge for each load of laundry.

How long will it take the maids to complete their work in my Minneapolis home?

Every cleaning job is unique, but in general, it takes a cleaning crew a few hours to do a typical job. They’ll always be done before you or your guests arrive or you need to use the house.

Do I need to leave any cleaning supplies or equipment for the housekeepers to use?

Leave trash can liners, laundry detergent if you order laundry services, and dish soap if the team will be doing dishes as part of their assignment. Other than that, you don’t need to provide anything for standard cleaning jobs.

Do you do deep cleaning, custom jobs or take special requests?

Yes. Be sure to let us know in advance if your property needs special attention to any particular area or if you want added services like laundry, dishes, or deep cleaning.

How far in advance should I make an appointment?

To get the time slot you want, it’s best to book at least 48 hours in advance. However, we can usually work with your schedule and set up an initial appointment when you need it. After that, it’s simple to make a recurring appointment for regular cleaning jobs.

Do the crews do deep cleaning?

If you need deep cleaning service, alert us in advance because standard residential, rental, and commercial jobs do not include it as part of the ordinary services. However, the maids will do it if you make the request.

What if I need to cancel or change an appointment time?

It’s not a problem, particularly if you do so more than 24 hours in advance. We have a no-charge policy with cancellations, so there’s no need to worry. But for the sake of efficiency and future scheduling, try to make cancellations more than 24 hours ahead of time.

How much professional experience do the maids have?

All the maids are thoroughly vetted and have relevant experience. They’re all fully prepared to clean houses, apartments, rental units, condos, and commercial properties. Some have decades of experience, while others are relatively new to the industry.

Can the maid teams do move-in and move-out cleaning jobs?

Yes. We’re happy to set you up with maid teams that can clean your new home before you move in or your old one before moving out. Just let us know in advance, and we’ll be fully prepared for the job.

Will the maids update me about the property?

They will inform you of any unusual circumstances, like damage done by a renter, so you can take appropriate action. You’re never left out of the loop.

What areas do you serve in Minneapolis metro area?

We offer top-notch cleaning services for your house or Airbnb/vacation rental cleaning in wider Minneapolis metro area, including Edina, Fridley, Plymouth, Minnetonka, Edina, Minneapolis, St. Louis Park, Bloomington, Maple Grove, and many other neighboring areas.

What are Airbnb cleaning rules for hosts in Minneapolis?

Airbnb hosts in Minneapolis, like in other cities, should adhere to the 5-step Airbnb cleaning process1. This process, designed with the well-being of guests in mind, includes preparation, cleaning, sanitizing, checking, and resetting1. Hosts are expected to ventilate the space, use approved disinfectants, and follow a comprehensive Airbnb cleaning schedule.

Guests are also expected to respect the cleanliness of the space. They should not leave the listing in a state that requires excessive or deep cleaning. Any damage caused by guests beyond normal wear and tear should be reported to the host as soon as possible2.

These Airbnb cleaning rules are crucial for maintaining a high standard of hygiene and ensuring a pleasant stay for all guests. It’s important for hosts to familiarize themselves with these guidelines and incorporate them into their hosting routine. This not only enhances the guest experience but also contributes to the overall reputation of Minneapolis Airbnb cleaning undertakings. Remember, a clean and well-maintained listing is more likely to attract positive reviews and repeat bookings. So, if you’re an Airbnb host in Minneapolis, make sure you’re up-to-date with these cleaning rules. Happy hosting!