Reliable House Cleaning Services in St. Petersburg & Clearwater

Top-notch cleaning services for homeowners and busy vacation rental/Airbnb hosts

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Hours Saved





5-Star Reviews

Our Services

Residential cleaning services benefits


  • Easy, transparent pricing
  • Cancel your cleaning service at any time
  • Top 2% of cleaners in the market!
Vacation rental services benefits

Vacation Rental

  • Calendar syncing to automate your cleaning schedule
  • You can create your own report
  • Never a No-Show Guarantee

With 5 Stars Rating on

What Clients Are Saying

20+ Saved hours

Gus, Residential Customer

“Using the platform was super simple. I’ve used my cleaners five times now, and the one time I did have to reschedule it was super easy, hassle-free. It’s really simple, it’s easy, and they’ve done great job.”

25+ Saved hours

Jordan, Residential Customer

“My wife and I are thrilled how easy everything is with MaidThis, and now I’m a customer for life! If you don’t want to go through the hassle of finding your own cleaner, definitely try MaidThis”

70+ Saved hours

Suzy, Residential Customer

“I work a full-time job and I have a small kids at home, so by the time I get home the LAST thing I want to do is clean. If you need to save time, I recommend going through MaidThis. Their customer system was amazing.”

90+ Saved hours

Brent, Airbnb Host

“At first I tried to take care of all of the cleaning process myself, and it turned out to be a bigger headache than anything else. So a friend told me about MaidThis and its been fantastic. I’ve been working with my cleaners for a few months so far. I recommend you check out the service for yourself.”

90+ Saved hours

Laura G, Airbnb Host

“I definitely think that as a company we’ve been able to make more money, not only because we’re saving money by using Maid This, but also because they’re helping take a few of the necessary evils with doing vacation rentals off of the property managers plate.”

House cleaning services in St. Petersburg & Clearwater, Florida
Maids services in St. Petersburg and Clearwater

Benefits of expert house cleaning services

If you’re in St. Petersburg, Clearwater or any other community in the area, our experienced cleaning team can help you. From taking care of your house cleaning, to Airbnb and vacation rental cleaning, your maids are skilled and equipped to handle it all.

Book your appointment in minutes

Booking our cleaning service is easy and effortless through our user-friendly website and booking system.

Count on our expertise and dedication

Your experienced cleaners have serviced thousands of homes in St. Petersburg & Clearwater, demonstrating the skills and dedication needed to deliver excellent results.

Enjoy a spotless space

Whether you desire a clean home or better reviews for your vacation rental, our maids deliver consistently excellent results.

Maid cleaning a living room

How we find the best maids in St. Petersburg & Clearwater

In order to guarantee your satisfaction with our cleaning service, we carefully select every member of our team to ensure that they can meet our high standards.


We carefully examine maid applications

Our first step is to individually assess every resume we get and handpick the maids that stand out. Only the most experienced and hardworking applicants from St. Petersburg and Clearwater areas are given a chance to proceed.


The applicants have a phone interview

We’ll call the maid candidates and discuss their resumes a bit more, all while checking if they can handle the call professionally and confidently. This is a chance to learn a bit more about whether they can be the right match for our cleaning service in St. Petersburg & Clearwater.


Maids get an interview in person

In our third step of the hiring process, our candidates arrive at our cleaning company to be interviewed in person. This interview enables them to see if we’re the company that they see themselves thriving in, and we get to determine if they’re reliable.


They get an orientation

This stage marks a more serious level of the interview, meaning that the candidates are seriously considered as potential maids for our clients in St. Petersburg & Clearwater. We walk them through our rules, the process and all the necessary details.


Maids are fully background-checked

Finally, the candidates are rigorously background-checked so that we can make sure that we completely trust them to take care of our faithful clients’ homes. We examine all the necessary information and considerations to ensure that they are 100% trustworthy.

What you can count on from your cleaning experts

Hassle-free booking

Our booking process was designed to make it easy and quick for you to schedule anything from residential cleaning to Airbnb cleaning services in St. Petersburg & Clearwater and beyond.

Your satisfaction matters

Your happiness with our cleaning services is our top priority, which is why we’ll make sure that you get a charge-free cleanup if you’re ever not fully satisfied with the housekeeping service you received.

Demanding vetting process

Our hiring process is rigorous so as to ensure that only reliable and experienced house keepers can work with us. We know that we can trust them to take care of your home cleaning.

Accessibility and helpfulness

If you ever need to ask any questions or voice any concerns, our customer support staff is ready to assist you. You can also cancel and reschedule appointments in just a few clicks.

We love your feedback

Feedback from our clients in Clearwater and St. Petersburg on our cleaning services means a lot to us and helps us become even better at exceeding your expectations.

Secure payment system

You will pay for your maid service through our secure and reliable payment system. You will pay once the service is done and you’re satisfied with the results.

Cleaning services in St. Petersburg & Clearwater, Florida

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I receive discounted services if I use home cleaning services on a monthly basis?

Yes! If you choose to schedule regular home cleaning services, you will pay less for each visit than you would if you simply did one-time appointments as needed.

If something comes up, will I be able to reschedule the maid service I have signed up for?

We are a flexible cleaning company in St. Petersburg and Clearwater and we will work to reschedule your cleaning appointment if you get in touch with us as soon as your plans change.

Will using an Airbnb cleaning service make my life easier?

Yes! In so many ways! When life is busy and you know that you have renters coming to your Airbnb, having a professional cleaning service that you can contact for help will make everything okay. An Airbnb cleaning service will make sure that the house is comfortable, fresh, and clean, and that it will be well loved by those who rent it.

What types of work will be completed when a maid service takes care of my Florida rental property?

If you own an Airbnb or similar property, we can take on work in that place including the carpet cleaning, washing of towels, putting away dishes, dusting, vacuuming, and cleaning the bathrooms.

Will a maid service make life easier when I am moving?

Relocating a family can be a tiring experience. If you are moving out of an apartment, a rental cleaning service can take care of the cleaning that you need to do to leave with your landlord thinking well of you.

Can I find a cleaner in the St. Petersburg and Clearwater, Florida area who can actually be trusted in my home?

Our residential cleaning service in St. Petersburg and Clearwater carefully screens each individual looking to find work through us. We make sure that they are qualified and that they do not have anything in their background that might make them risky to have in your home.

How can I know that someone will actually come to my home when I need cleaning help?

We understand that your life is busy and that you need to know if a cleaner will show up or not. We guarantee that the maid you expect to have arrive will actually show up. If the maid doesn’t arrive or if you are not satisfied with your housekeeping service, you can always contact our cleaning company and let us know. We will work tirelessly to help you get the best home or rental cleaning service that you applied for.