Professional House Cleaning Services in Los Angeles

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Find Your Reliable Los Angeles Cleaning Services

Los Angeles is a busy place, which probably means you live a busy lifestyle. If you are like most people in the region, it’s likely you don’t get much joy from having to handle your house cleaning responsibilities. When you get home at the end of a long day, all you want to do is relax. No problem! MaidThis Los Angeles stands ready to handle your house cleaning responsibilities on your behalf. By securing our cleaning services in Los Angeles, you can go about your busy day without having to worry about how the house is going to get cleaned. We’ll do it, and we’ll do it right to put your mind at ease.

Residential unit


  • Easy, transparent pricing
  • Cancel cleaning service at any time
  • Top 2% of cleaners in the market!
Vacation rental/Airbnb unit in Los Angeles

Vacation Rental

  • Calendar syncing to automate scheduling
  • You can customize your own report
  • Never a No-Show Guarantee

With 5 Stars Rating on

Our service area

MaidThis Cleaning of Los Angeles


8 AM–4 PM


8 AM–4 PM


8 AM–4 PM


8 AM–4 PM


8 AM–4 PM


8 AM–4 PM


8 AM–4 PM

1942 Overland Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90025

Service areas:

La Brea and nearby areas

What Clients Are Saying

20+ Saved hours

Gus, CA

“Using the platform was super simple. I’ve used my cleaners five times now, and the one time I did have to reschedule it was super easy, hassle-free. It’s really simple, it’s easy, and they’ve done great job.”

25+ Saved hours

Jordan, CA

“My wife and I are thrilled how easy everything is with MaidThis Cleaning of Los Angeles, and now I’m a customer for life! If you don’t want to go through the hassle of finding your own cleaner, definitely try MaidThis Cleaning of Los Angeles”

70+ Saved hours

Suzy, CA

“I work a full-time job and I have a small kids at home, so by the time I get home the LAST thing I want to do is clean. If you need to save time, I recommend going through MaidThis Cleaning of Los Angeles. Their customer system was amazing.”

90+ Saved hours

Brent, Airbnb Host

“At first I tried to take care of all of the cleaning process myself, and it turned out to be a bigger headache than anything else. So a friend told me about MaidThis Cleaning of Los Angeles and its been fantastic. I’ve been working with my cleaners for a few months so far. I recommend you check out the service for yourself.”

90+ Saved hours

Laura G, Airbnb Host

“I definitely think that as a company we’ve been able to make more money, not only because we’re saving money by using Maid This, but also because they’re helping take a few of the necessary evils with doing vacation rentals off of the property managers plate.”

MaidThis Los Angeles cleaning service
MaidThis Cleaning Services Los Angeles

Why Choose MaidThis Cleaning of Los Angeles?

Let the local Los Angeles cleaning experts handle it. 50,000+ cleanings coordinated, with hundreds of online reviews and thousands of satisfied customers.

Book or reschedule easily

Once you’re matched with a cleaner, you’ll get automated reminders for your cleaning service and can easily log in and reschedule at your convenience. You can even call/text us and we’ll do it for you! Our entire goal is to make finding an awesome cleaner as SIMPLE AND HASSLE-FREE as possible.

Carefully picked team members

Only 2% of applicants get chosen to be on our cleaning company system. Yes, you read that correctly, 2%!! This is NOT an Uber-type service where just anyone can sign up. Our cleaning company has a lengthy interview process to make sure you get only the BEST house cleaners near you, period.

Your happiness is guaranteed

You’re guaranteed to save time and love your custom, pet-friendly Los Angeles cleaning services. If not, our dedicated Happiness Team will make sure you’re taken care of. You work wayyy too hard to spend a bunch of time on finding & managing a cleaner. Fill out the 60-second form below and save 60+ hours of your life.

Maid services in Los Angeles

Let’s take a look at our streamlined 5-step screening process

We go the extra mile to find only the most qualified and trustworthy pros, and make sure you receive the best professional house cleaning services you’ve ever seen.

Only 2% of all the applicants pass our entire screening process successfully, and that’s whom we work with exclusively.


Online Application

The Domestic Worker applicant must go through our super rigorous online screening registration. Only if they are approved, they move to Phase 2


Phone Interrogation

Next, MaidThis hops on a call with the cleaner for more intense interrogation


Zoom Meeting

Following a successful phone interview, we meet via video call again to proper vet the team. Only the best for you 🙂



If the Domestic Worker makes it through these 3 intense rounds, they move to the voluntary orientation phase.


Background Checks

The last phase is to screen candidates and make sure your cleaner is background checked, as requested!

If you’re close to any of the following cities, we got you covered!

Work with the top house cleaning company in Los Angeles

Schedule online

Book your one-time, weekly, biweekly, monthly, or deep cleaning service with your domestic worker in just a few clicks. You’ll get an honest and free price estimate with no hidden charges. With us, you will know exactly what you pay for!

Client-focused approach

We strive to be easily available for any questions or possible complaints submitted within 48 hours. You can fill our easy-to-use contact form online or call us at (424) 465-1010.

In-person screened pros

Our vetting process is carefully devised in order to make sure you get some of the best cleaners. We’re very picky when choosing housekeeping candidates and want to team up only with dedicated and vetted cleaning pros.

Reschedule with ease

Although we try to help you keep track of your appointments, we know life can be busy and unpredictable which is why we’ve made sure you can easily reschedule your cleaner in case something unpredictable comes up.

Eager to hear feedback

We won’t only appreciate your feedback but will seek it after each appointment. We’ll listen to your suggestions, complaints, and will be there to replace your cleaner if you ask us to do that.

Pay safely online

We want the whole payment process to be completely stress-free which is why we’ve prepared a secure cash-free payment option via

Professional house cleaning services in LA

Frequently Asked Questions

How much is a house cleaner in Los Angeles?

The cost of professional house cleaning services in Los Angeles depends on the package you choose and the size of your home. At MaidThis Cleaning of Los Angeles, we are fully transparent about the prices of ready-made cleaning packages you can schedule through our platform, namely:

If you prefer, you can also book our hourly service. In the event that you want your trusted local house cleaner to provide any extra services, you can tweak your checklist accordingly. And of course, true to our principle of transparency and honesty, there are no hidden fees to be on the lookout for! What you see is what you get! 🙂

Last but not least, you can use our secure cash-free online payment system, designed to save you even more time.

How long does a professional clean take?

So your out-of-town friend just called to say they’d drop by to check out your new place. You’re psyched to see them and give them a tour of your living space in Los Angeles. But then you remember that your place is a mess and you simply have no time to take care of it. The only viable option that remains is to book a professional, pet-friendly house cleaning service. Good thinking! But how long can you expect this appointment to take?

Clearly, the size of your home or apartment is an important factor. But the main factor is the quality, extent and frequency of your regular cleaning routine. What’s more, we normally recommend a deep cleaning package for your initial appointment, as this detailed approach is your safest way of ensuring that any stubborn build-up will be effectively removed.

Be that as it may, you can optimize your cleaning plan and adapt the level and duration of cleaning to your preferences and needs. The bottom line is that it is entirely up to you to customize your checklist and appointment frequency. Your house cleaner will follow the instructions carefully and do honest work whether you book a one-time, weekly, biweekly, monthly, or deep house cleaning service.

What is a professional deep clean?

A deep cleaning differs from its standard counterpart in terms of scope of service and attention to detail. Namely, deep cleaning tackles stubborn buildup, grease, and grime, making it more demanding and time-consuming.

Deep cleaning gives your Los Angeles home a fresh start, bringing it to a standard of hygiene and tidiness which can only be maintained through consistent maintenance performed on an ongoing basis.

How often can you clean my home?

Homeowners can choose between weekly, biweekly, and monthly cleaning services – you set the cadence yourself with your cleaner.The frequency of sanitizing depends on several factors. You should think about your personal preferences and the budget available for clean-ups.

It also depends on the amount of time you can spend on scrubbing, wiping, and other household tasks every week. If you’re indecisive, call us or request a free price estimate that will help you choose the option that suits you the best.

What cleaning should be done weekly?

Tidying up your home on a regular basis is essential if you want to maintain its tidiness. Some of the tasks you should on your weekly to-do list are the following:

  • Vacuuming your carpets and floors
  • Wipe bathroom and kitchen sinks
  • Dust furniture
  • Wash bedding, sheets and towels
  • Declutter every room
  • Clear out your fridge
  • Disinfect toilet, shower, and bathtub
  • Wipe counters and other surfaces

If you think you don’t have enough time to spend on these tasks, we’ll connect you with a group of pros who will perform professional weekly cleaning services that will keep your home in Los Angeles fresh and sanitized.

Is monthly clean-up worth it?

If you’re questioning whether or not to hire pros to perform custom monthly cleaning services for you, there are many benefits you should consider. Every home needs a thorough scrubbing after a month which is why it’s very helpful if you hire someone who has the experience and knowledge necessary to successfully sanitize your place of residence in Los Angeles. The domestic workers we onboard can tidy up your place from top to bottom in an effective manner and ensure it’s easier to maintain later on.

Where can I book local house cleaning services near me in Los Angeles, CA & the region?

MaidThis Cleaning of Los Angeles can connect you with skilled house cleaners anywhere in the area, be it deep cleaning of your 2-bedroom home in Brentwood, weekly maintenance house cleaning in Westwood, or bi-monthly cleaning of your vacation home in Marina del Rey.

Whether you need a one-time clean of your condo in Pasadena or consistent recurring house cleaning service in Malibu, the home cleaning professionals we will introduce you to deliver outstanding results.

Other benefits we offer include scheduling flexibility and quick response, automatic cleaning service reminders, diligent follow-up, and a simple and straightforward rescheduling process. You deserve to catch a break and get your me-time back. Our smoothly coordinated process functions like clockwork for your benefit, so book away!

How to find the best house cleaning services in Los Angeles?

Life in the bustling metropolis of Los Angeles, California is known for its fast pace and dynamic energy. Amidst this vibrant lifestyle, maintaining a clean and orderly home can sometimes become a challenge. This is where professional house cleaning services come to the rescue. But with a myriad of options available, how can you find the best house cleaning services in Los Angeles that perfectly suit your needs? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the steps to help you discover the ideal cleaning company to elevate your home’s cleanliness and your quality of life.

Step 1: Determine Your Cleaning Needs

Before embarking on your search for house cleaning services in Los Angeles, it’s essential to identify your specific cleaning needs. Consider the following:

  • Regular Maintenance: Do you need routine cleaning to keep your home consistently clean and tidy?
  • Deep Cleaning: Are you looking for a thorough, seasonal, or one-time deep cleaning to address neglected areas?
  • Special Services: Do you require additional services like carpet cleaning, upholstery cleaning, or window washing?
  • Frequency: Will you need cleaning on a weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, or custom schedule?

Understanding your unique requirements will help you find a cleaning company that can tailor their services to your needs.

Step 2: Seek Recommendations and Read Reviews

One of the most reliable ways to find the best house cleaning services in Los Angeles is by seeking recommendations from friends, family, neighbors, or colleagues who have used such services. Their firsthand experiences can provide valuable insights into the quality and reliability of a cleaning company.

Additionally, read online reviews and testimonials. Websites like Yelp and Google Reviews can offer a wealth of information about the reputation and performance of cleaning companies in Los Angeles.

Step 3: Research Cleaning Companies

Compile a list of potential cleaning companies in Los Angeles based on recommendations and online research. Visit the websites of these companies to learn more about their services, pricing, and any special offers. Look for the following:

  • Experience: Choose a cleaning company with a proven track record and years of experience in the industry.
  • Services Offered: Ensure that the company offers the specific services you require, whether it’s regular maintenance, deep cleaning, or specialty services.
  • Customization: Look for a company that can customize their services to meet your unique needs.
  • Pricing Transparency: Clear and transparent pricing is essential. Beware of hidden fees or unclear pricing structures.

Step 4: Request Quotes

Contact the cleaning companies on your list to request quotes. During this process, be prepared to provide details about your home’s size, the frequency of cleaning, and any specific cleaning tasks you want to be included. Compare the quotes you receive, taking into account the scope of services offered and their pricing.

Step 5: Check Credentials

Before finalizing your decision, verify the credentials of the cleaning company. Ensure they are licensed, insured, and bonded. This provides protection for you and the cleaning staff in case of accidents or damages during the cleaning process.

Finding the best house cleaning services in Los Angeles is a rewarding investment in your home and quality of life. By following these steps, you can identify a professional cleaning company that aligns with your needs, ensuring your home remains a clean and comfortable oasis amidst the excitement of Los Angeles living. So why wait? Take the first step towards a cleaner, stress-free home today.