How To Deep Clean Your House In One Day?

How to deep clean your house in one dayHaving an impeccably clean household would be virtually unattainable without professional cleaning service Playa Vista. That’s a great thing about house cleaning services in Playa Vista – you can always rely on them to get the job done and done, perfectly and in the shortest amount of time. Still, we bet you’d like to know how to deep clean your house in one day all by yourself. We made sure to give you the know-how.

Come prepared

This step is best done in advance so you don’t waste time and energy organizing your cleaning tools and supplies come D-Day. Stock up on all-purpose cleaners, rubber gloves and trash bags. An upbeat music playlist can also help – by cranking up your energy and boosting your willpower.

Time yourself

Set a timer. If you give yourself, say, a 30-minute deadline to complete a cleaning task, you’ll be more focused and more motivated to pick up the pace. Plus, you’ll be less likely to get distracted by the less relevant aspects of the cleanup, like trying on your prom dress or going through your old diaries. The efficiency you achieve will give you an added incentive – mentally ticking things off your to-do list.

Do all the laundry

Nothing says mess like a huge load of dirty laundry you are yet to get started on. Getting that stuff out of the way will give you a better perspective of the actual cleaning that lies ahead.

Closet space

Get rid of stuff you haven’t worn in over a year – you likely never will. Don’t allow yourself to be overly sentimental. Focus on decluttering and the sense of relief it is bound to bring.

Make a sensible cleaning schedule

If you want to know how to deep clean your house in one day, you’ll need to take a down-to-earth approach. This means knowing your limits and tackling the trouble spots of your home first, while your energy levels are still high.

On top of the priority list are the bathroom and the kitchen, where every nook and cranny could harbor bacteria. Then comes the bedroom, since it includes deep cleaning the mattresses and thorough dusting.

Finally, there’s the living room, the place where you, your family and your houseguests probably spend most time. This would be a good time to get the other household members involved – why should they miss out on all the fun!

Wondering how to deep clean your house in one day? Premium Playa Vista cleaning service does all the work for you!

The key thing about knowing how to deep clean your house in one day is knowing who to call. You can always count on MaidThis to be there for you in your time of need – at least when it comes to deep cleaning. We’ll take care of everything and you won’t have to lift a finger – except when you call us to schedule your appointment!

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