Cleaning Your House Like a Pro: All You Need to Know

How can I clean my house professionally fastEverybody knows that the fastest way to clean your home professionally is to hire a reputable cleaning company to do it for you. After all, the best cleaning service in Silver Lake is the best for a reason.

But what’s their secret? What special things do career maids do that you can’t, or wouldn’t have the time to, replicate yourself? What are the tried and true home cleaning checklists that these experts use to speed up their cleaning?

Keep reading to learn the answers to these questions.

How can I clean my house professionally fast?

In order to answer this, we must first answer the question of how frequently you should clean your home. The truth is, house cleaning isn’t so much a sprint as it is a marathon. Regularly cleaning your home will make cleaning much easier and remove the need for quick cleaning solutions.

At the bare minimum, you should give your home a standard cleaning once a week. Ideally, it should be at least twice a week. Depending on whether you or your family members struggle with allergies or similar issues, you may need to clean certain areas more often.

During a standard cleaning, you should:

  • Dust all moldings and woodwork.
  • Vacuum the stairwells.
  • Dust paintings, clocks, and other wall decorations.
  • Dust every light fixture and ceiling fan.
  • Dust all lamps and lampshades.
  • Empty all trashcans and wastebaskets.
  • Dust, vacuum, and polish all furniture.
  • Remove spiderwebs.
  • Wash and disinfect every sink.
  • Make the beds, especially if they’re located in high traffic areas.
  • Dust every window blind and sill.
  • Extensively wash the top of the stove.
  • Dust appliances such as the fridge and the dishwasher.
  • Vacuum the carpets.
  • Clean the microwave interior.
  • Mop and vacuum the floors.

How do I clean my house in one day?

“Work smarter, not harder,” says the old adage. No truer words were ever spoken, especially when it comes to home cleaning. After all, who doesn’t want to be quickly done with the house chores so they can go relax and have a fun time at the Sunset Junction?

A great way to speed up your cleaning is to do the following:

  • Gather all your cleaning products and tools in a single easy-to-carry basket before you start. This way you won’t have to make repeated trips to the laundry room.
  • Plan your cleaning. Minimize the amount of needless moving around by proceeding from adjacent room to adjacent room. Finish one floor before moving on to the next.
  • Start with the dirtiest areas first. This will make it easier to clean them, and will also make the cleaning feel progressively easier as you go along.
  • Use the top-to-bottom cleaning approach. Dust and dirt naturally falls to the floor, so by cleaning the higher areas first, you’ll be able to simply vacuum all that stuff later on. This is one of the reasons all the pro maids subscribe to the “dust first, vacuum later” philosophy.
  • Get your kids to help out. Teaching children to do home chores from an early age is not only going to help them learn these crucial hygiene habits, it’s also an opportunity to spend time with them. Just don’t forget to treat yourselves to a tasty ice cream afterward.

What’s the top cleaning service in Silver Lake?

While the above advice is all undoubtedly useful, there’s no substitute to booking a professional cleaning with the absolute best cleaning service Silver Lake has to offer.

Here at Maid This, we specialize in sending you top-notch home cleaners who have the tools, knowledge, and experience needed to give you first-rate cleanings that achieve optimal indoor air quality in your home.

Book a cleaning today using our zero-hassle online scheduling form. We can’t wait to give you the squeaky clean home you deserve.

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