6 Tips for Success from Top Airbnb Hosts

airbnb success tips

Being a great Airbnb host, and even earning the coveted Superhost title, is just as much of an art as a science.  The best hosts know that and often generously share their knowledge.  We’ve picked six tips in particular that we think will make a difference in your bookings and profits. 

1. Set Clear Rules

Unlike hotels, which have very similar policies around the world, every Airbnb is different, in part because those listings are driven by the personalities and desires of the hosts.  Some hosts have rules about noise after certain times, others don’t.  Some hosts allow you to checkin early, others don’t.

The point is that people can’t follow what they don’t know about.  Think about every situation that can possibly come up and let people know what the rules are.  Make sure they get an electronic copy of those rules before they arrive and have a hard copy somewhere in the property as well.

2. Make Sure Your Turnover Periods are Reasonable

We’ve spoken about this before.  You want to maximize the profitability of your listing, but you also want to account for the unexpected, which happens far more often than you can plan for.

Each turnover period has to account for linens, cleaning, trash, and the arrival of the incoming guest, in relation to the departure of the outgoing guest.

3. Your Listing Has to be Clean, Clean, Clean

Spanish Superhost Mar Pages is responsible for these first three tips, but on this one she’s also joined by Australian Superhosts Gabriela Domicelj and Derek Young.

Part of why MaidThis exists as a company is the high expectations that Airbnb guests have developed over the years.  While they know they aren’t checking into a hotel room, they expect hotel quality cleanliness every single time.  If they don’t get it, you’ll hear about it on your reviews, and that can affect your bottom line (and Superhost qualification).

4. Thoughtful Details Matter

This fourth tip from Mar Pages coincides with one from US host Kate Storm.  Thoughtful details can range from the classic chocolate and welcome note on the bed to useful accessories, like:

  • beach towels and blankets during the summer
  • multiple umbrellas during a rainy season (or in a rainy location)
  • lists of places to visit or things to do

Details make your guests feel special and welcomed and is exactly what they are looking for in an Airbnb that they just can’t get in a traditional hotel experience.

5. Comply with Local Laws

This tip is also courtesy of Kate Storm.  While Airbnb may have been more combative in its earlier years, sometimes going to court with municipalities over the right to provide short term rentals, the mood at corporate headquarters in the last few years has softened, even more so after their recent IPO.

Airbnb now often collects taxes on behalf of local municipalities, and provides spaces in listings for hosts to show a registration number.  Not being registered often can endanger your listing on Airbnb, and get you into legal trouble with your municipality.

6. Write Reviews for Guests

Gabriela and Derek are responsible for this final tip.  It’s been seen that you’re likelier to receive a review if you give one, and it’s important not just to review guests so that they get feedback on their stay, but so that future hosts can see what you thought.  

This content originally appeared in our Guest Book newsletter.

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