Home Cleaning Do’s and Don’ts

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While people are usually not to keen on cleaning, everyone appreciates a healthy and tidy home environment. You may wonder, is there an efficient way to clean your home?

Most beginners are unsure about what to do, and what to avoid when cleaning. Whether to vacuum or dust first. Whether to start cleaning the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom.

What should you avoid doing to protect your health, do the proper cleaning, and save yourself time?

All these dilemmas are all too common when you are beginning to learn.

To protect your health, clean your home efficiently, and save yourself time follow our simple do’s and don’ts of home cleaning.

Home Cleaning Do’s

When beginning any cleaning project always keep safety in mind, and don’t forget to protect yourself. Use caution, care, and good judgment. If in doubt, don’t start until you are completely sure about what you are doing.

To be extra safe, have a first aid kit always on hand at home. Regularly clean out the medication cupboard and have it neatly organized, so that everything in it is easily accessible.

Create a simple cleaning plan along with more detailed steps, so that you are in the know of what to do and how to do it properly. Once you have the plan prepared, follow all the steps one by one to clean your home fast and efficiently. 

It is always better to clean up all dirty things quickly instead of waiting. For instance, you would spend a lot more time attempting to remove stains and spills from your carpet if you wait until the next day.

Clean from top to the bottom. For example, if you are cleaning a room, start by dusting the ceiling and all the upper parts like ceiling fans, lighting fixtures, and hanging objects. Then, move to clean the walls and all the furniture. Finish with baseboards, and clean the floor last.

Begin cleaning using the dry methods and then continue with wet methods. Usual dry methods consist of sweeping, dusting, and vacuuming while wet methods include various cleaning liquids and other solutions. It makes sure that dirt doesn’t adhere to the wet areas.

Get going with more gentle cleaning techniques and move on to stronger chemicals only if needed. Make sure that you know your cleaning equipment and supplies. Start by test-cleaning the small areas first, and if you see any damage stop and reconsider continuing. Try to be environment friendly and keep your cleaning green.

Be sure that you are using just the right cleaning tools, and have in mind to keep your essential cleaning supplies close to you. In this way, you will keep yourself from harm and save time as you won’t have to go back and forth when you need something. These include plastic buckets, mops, various cleaning solutions, protective aprons with large pockets, etc.

Remember to wipe and disinfect all the high-touch items regularly. By doing it, you will have them looking nice, but more importantly you will prevent viruses and bacteria from multiplying.

Remember to wash your children’s toys regularly. Toys, especially stuffed animals attract dust mites and allergens that can cause illness. Plastic toys are also prone to hosting allergens and germs.

Home Cleaning Don’ts

1. Never leave household cleaners and chemicals accessible to children and pets as they can be dangerous if not handled properly. It is for the best to safely keep them in a locked storeroom.

2. Don’t forget to know your equipment and supplies and to read all the instructions that come with them. Some cleaning products can become a serious health hazard, so be sure to inform yourself properly.

3. If you are using potentially dangerous cleaning products, such as any strong chemicals, don’t forget to use protective aprons, gloves, masks and other protective equipment.

4. Don’t forget to properly ventilate all your rooms if you are using cleaning solutions and other chemicals. Before use, always thoroughly check all the manufacturer’s directions.

5. Don’t overuse bleach as under certain conditions it can become a toxic substance affecting your lungs or do irreparable damage to your precious belongings.

6. Don’t forget about the hidden and out-of-sight spaces. Be attentive to corners, ceiling fans, and areas behind the cupboards, clean behind kitchen appliances, also clean behind and inside closets, etc.

7. If you are using the disinfectant on your surfaces, give it time to handle all the pathogens. Don’t wipe it right away.

8. Don’t use basic paper towels to do any serious cleaning, as your fingernails can break them and do damage to the surface you are cleaning. Also, they can create additional clutter by breaking apart and are not easily recyclable.

9. Don’t let grease build up in your kitchen. It is not hygienic, and doesn’t look nice. It is also a potential fire hazard waiting to happen. Clean cooking and other surfaces in the kitchen regularly to avoid this.

10. Don’t forget to not use white vinegar on marble as it can ruin your precious goods.


Whether you decide to do regular home cleaning by yourself or to hire a professional cleaning company to do it for you, you have to be careful. After all, you want your home to be a clean and healthy environment, without having to think about doing more damage than good. If you believe that your home requires deep cleaning, then hiring a professional cleaning service may be the best way to do it. 

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