The Easiest Weekly Cleaning Schedule

If you want to maintain a clean and sanitary home, one of the best things you can do is create a cleaning schedule that’s easy to follow. A consistent cleaning schedule provides a guideline for tasks that can get handled on a daily basis. That way, your home stays neat and tidy. Plus, you can spend less time on daily cleaning tasks.

Daily Cleaning Checklist

Keeping your house clean can turn into a real chore, especially when you try to squeeze all your housecleaning tasks into one day. That’s where a daily deep cleaning checklist comes into the picture. Daily cleaning tasks help you save time while keeping your whole house clean.


Monday is the first day of the cleaning week. Your Monday cleaning checklist should focus on the kitchen. That should include cabinets, counters, appliances, and floors. Start with the refrigerator by tossing out any expired food. Next, clean the refrigerator, stove, and microwave. Next, clean the cabinets and counters. Finally, sweep and mop the floor.


Tuesday is the day you’ll focus on the bathrooms. When cleaning the bathrooms, you want to focus on the toilets, bathtubs, sinks, floors, and mirrors. Once you clean those areas, you can mop the floors and wipe down the baseboards. You’ll also want to replace the toilet paper and soap.


Wednesday is the day when you focus on the entryway and stairs in your home. Your entryway and stairs can collect quite a bit of dirt, dust, and clutter. That’s where weekly cleaning becomes beneficial. When cleaning your entryway and stairs, you want to wipe down the banister, railing, and trim. Then, you’ll want to vacuum any carpeted areas and mop your floors. You should also clean the windows and mirrors in those areas of the house when following a weekly chore list.


When it comes to following a weekly house cleaning schedule for the week, you’ll want to focus on the master bedroom each Thursday. That includes changing the bed linens, vacuuming the floors, dusting the furniture, and cleaning the baseboards. If you have a ceiling fan in your master bedroom, you’ll want to clean the fan blades to remove dust and allergens. You can also use this time to organize your drawers and closet.


Thursday is the day you move on to your secondary bedrooms. When cleaning secondary bedrooms, you want to change the bed linens and dust the furniture. Your weekly house cleaning schedule should also include vacuuming the carpet, wiping down the baseboards and cleaning the windows. If you have waste baskets in your secondary bedrooms, you should empty those and replace the waste bags. This is also a good time to organize closets, drawers, and toy boxes.


When it comes to following a weekly cleaning routine, Saturday is the day to clean your laundry room. If you’re like most households, your laundry room gets a lot of use throughout the week. Cleaning your laundry room once a week helps maintain sanitary conditions. A weekly cleaning routine should include wiping down your washer and dryer, cleaning the counters and cabinets, sweeping and mopping the floor, and replacing laundry products.

Sunday-self-care day

If you’ve followed your weekly cleaning routine, you can enjoy Sunday as a day of self-care. Your Sunday cleaning list should give you time to focus on yourself. You can also use Sunday as a day to catch up on the tasks that got overlooked during the week, or that need a little touch-up.

Rotating tasks

There are some tasks you’ll need to rotate into your cleaning schedule. Those are the tasks that you’ll tackle several times a year. Those tasks include cleaning out your pantry and cabinets, vacuuming your mattresses, washing your waste baskets, cleaning your carpets, and vacuuming your upholstered furniture. If you have a fireplace, you should also get that cleaned and inspected at least once a year.

More tips and tricks

If you want to keep your home clean and tidy, there are some simple tips and tricks you can use to make the process easier. One tip is to focus on the daily and weekly tasks before moving on to monthly tasks. Another tip is to clean up small messes right away. That way, you reduce your weekly cleaning tasks. It’s also a good idea to display a cleaning checklist in every room in the house. That way, you can keep track of the cleaning tasks.

Why You Should Choose MaidThis Denver

If you want to keep your home clean and tidy, there are some simple tips and tricks you can use to make the process easier. One tip is to focus on the daily and weekly tasks before moving on to monthly tasks. Another tip is to clean up small messes right away. That way, you reduce your weekly cleaning tasks. It’s also a good idea to display a cleaning checklist in every room in the house. That way, you can keep track of the cleaning tasks. With the help of professional cleaners, you can enjoy more free time with family, knowing that your home is taken care of impeccably.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the correct order to clean a house?

When cleaning your house, you should always start with the bathroom. This should include disinfecting surfaces, cleaning toilets, and scrubbing shower curtains. Second, move onto the dusting and organizing. Third, vacuum and mop the floors. Finally, tackle the kitchen as the last room on the checklist.

What is a Weekly Cleaning Schedule?

A realistic cleaning schedule allows you to focus on key elements of your home each day. This ensures that your entire home gets clean and stays clean all week. You can adjust your basic cleaning checklist to accommodate your specific cleaning needs.

How do I organize my weekly cleaning?

When it comes to organizing your weekly cleaning, it’s a good idea to identify the areas that need the most attention. That often includes the areas of the house that get the most activity throughout the week. When organizing your weekly chore list, go through each room and write down the chores you need to tackle. Those areas can get added to your checklist.

What should I clean first in a messy house?

When cleaning a messy house, it’s a good idea to start with the counters. After that, you’ll want to move on to the floors. From there, you can sort through the clutter. To keep your house clean, straighten messes right away.

How can a cleaning service save time and money?

If you want to save time and money on your household cleaning tasks, now’s the time to hire a cleaning service. You might think that handling your own house cleaning is the most beneficial approach, but that’s not the case. When you hire a cleaning service, you can spend less time on chores and more time on activities you enjoy. Plus, the cleaning service provides all the essential supplies. That way, you don’t need to buy supplies or worry about storage space.

A Final Tip for You

If you’re ready to get started on your weekly cleaning schedule, give us a call or fill out the request form provided below. Maid This Denver offers a cleaning services for all your cleaning needs.

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