The Ultimate Guide to Tile Cleaning

Cleaning a Bathroom Tile

It’s easy to miss or avoid tile and grout cleaning in the kitchen and bathroom. It’s one of those chores that people tend to avoid at all costs until it’s necessary. Some people even avoid this task simply because they don’t know how to clean ceramic tiles properly.

As you contemplate tackling the arduous task of kitchen and or bathroom tile cleaning, we would like to offer you some advice. MaidThis has been in the cleaning business for decades, and our top maids know a thing or two about how to clean tiles, especially tile floors. We offer you the following information as your “Ultimate guide to tile cleaning.”

Understanding Your Tiles

Before you start cleaning tiles, it’s necessary to educate yourself about the process. You want to educate yourself to help avoid making mistakes that will ruin your tile and cost you money in the process.

From a tile-cleaning perspective, there are two things you need to know. You need to understand there are different types of tiles and each tile type might well have different cleaning requirements. Using the wrong cleaning method would be where you could get yourself in trouble.

Let’s start with the different types of tile that are commonly used in the kitchen and bathroom. Note: Tiles can be used on floors, countertops, bathroom walls, and as backsplash. The most common types of tiles are

  • Ceramic tiles – made of water, clay, and minerals
  • Terracotta tiles – made of red or earthy clay
  • Limestone tiles – made of limestone (made of calcium carbonate salt)
  • Porcelain tiles – made like ceramic tiles but baked at higher temperatures
  • Mosaic tiles – made from stone and or glass
  • Granite tiles – made from natural granite stone
  • Slate tiles – made from natural slate stone materials
  • Marble tiles – made from natural colored marble stones
  • Glass tiles – made from clear or stained glass
  • Pebble tiles – made from assorted pebbles set in concrete

As for cleaning requirements, it boils down to using the right cleaning products and chemicals. Before you choose your tile-cleaning products, we would suggest you consult with one of three professionals:

  • Your tile manufacturer
  • A professional flooring company
  • A top-rated house cleaning company like MaidThis

Preparing for Cleaning of Tiles

Cleaning Bathroom Tile

Armed with good information about your tiles and the right cleaning products, you are ready to get started. As you might expect, there is a little prep work involved. The thrust of your prep work should focus on basic cleaning of your tiles to remove debris.

After a basic cleaning, it will become evident how badly your tiles need scrubbing. You’ll want to pay extra attention to the grout because grout tends to get glossed over during standard house cleaning. Also, lighter color grouts will expose dirt more readily than darker-colored grouts.

How to Clean Tiles

We’ll start by explaining how to clean tiles in general. That includes the combination of tiles and grout.

It’s a process. Using cleaning cloths or sponges, you’ll want to start wiping and scrubbing with water and soap. You will need to apply a little extra elbow grease if your tiles are looking dull and colorless. You should immediately see results.

If the initial results aren’t acceptable, you’ll want to graduate to using cleaning chemicals. Commercial tile cleaners usually work well as does the vinegar/baking soda paste home hack. Hydrogen peroxide also works well. If you are still having trouble getting the results you want, you can escalate to harsher cleaning chemicals. However, you need to avoid using abrasive products like bleach, which can scratch up the tiles. Also, acidic-based cleaners can damage grout and stone materials.

How to Clean Tile Floors

If you so choose, you can get on your knees and scrub your tile floors with the appropriate cleaning products. However, that’s going to put a lot of wear and tear on your body. Your best option would be to use a commercial-grade mop or floor squeegee. You’ll need to apply enough pressure to get the results you want.

After the initial cleaning, stains should become evident. That would be the right time to use a commercial tile cleaner that has a stain-removing component. You’ll know your tiles are as clean when you have recovered as much of the original coloring without stains as possible.

As a reminder, let your tile type dictate which cleaning products you use.

How to Clean Grout

Since grout is usually a bit inset from the tiles, it’s a little harder to clean. It will require a little extra elbow grease to apply enough pressure with a medium-bristle brush to wipe the grout clean. Be careful not to scratch tiles.

You need to be aware there are different types of grout. Yes, each type might have slightly different cleaning protocols. The three basic types of grout are sanded, unsanded, and epoxy. The good news is you won’t necessarily need to buy any expensive cleaning chemicals. You can probably get by with basic household products like vinegar, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide, oxygen bleach, and or chlorine bleach. Don’t forget to take your tile type under consideration when you are choosing your grout cleaning products/chemicals.

If all else fails, you should advance and try a commercial-grade grout cleaning product.

Maintenance Tips

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” That applies to keeping your tiling sparkling clean. With that as your goal, here are a few tile/grout maintenance tips that could save you time, effort, and money.

  • Weekly cleanings – use vinegar, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide treatments
  • Wipe spills as soon as they happen
  • Apply grout sealer to protect grout
  • Choose tiling that is easy to maintain
  • Use mild cleaning products whenever possible
  • Avoid wearing shoes that could scratch tiles
  • Make sure rooms with tile/grout have decent ventilation to avoid discoloration

Need Help? Call MaidThis Myrtle Beach

At the end of the day, you might find the process of cleaning and maintaining your tiles/grout too much of a challenge. That’s okay, you are in the majority.

We have good news. Our professional maids at MaidThis Myrtle Beach are tile cleaning experts. They have a full understanding of how to clean all types of tiles and groups. We suggest you give us a call and let us get your tiling back to sparkling clean.

We can offer this service as a stand-alone service at an hourly rate. We can also provide this service as part of our deep cleaning package if we are cleaning your home weekly or monthly.

When you are ready, you can schedule an appointment online or feel free to give us a call.

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