Can I Do House Cleaning During Pregnancy

can I do house cleaning during pregnancyThanks to professional house cleaning Brentwood, we now know what constitutes a professional house cleaning checklist. But if you happen to be expecting, you’re likely worried about the do’s and don’ts. You probably have a million questions, from “How often should I clean my home?” to “Can I do house cleaning during pregnancy?” so let us shed some light on that.

Either way, cleaning should not be your main focusPregnancy should be a time of serenity and not allowing yourself to get stressed out or be burdened with strenuous household chores. While moderate levels of physical activity are usually acceptable, even desirable, some activities simply pose too much of a risk for expecting mothers. After all, as a mother-to-be, you want to be absolutely certain you are doing everything you can to keep the baby out of harm’s way. 

Harsh chemicals

Your body is changing and adapting, and the accompanying effects might be unpleasant. In addition to an increased likelihood of suffering from over-sensitive skin, you might also be facing nausea on a daily basis, and not just in the morning. Cleaners containing harsh chemicals might further aggravate that. Try using natural products instead of the usual store-bought cleaning supplies.

Heavy loads

It’s perfectly understandable – you’re nesting and you feel the irresistible urge to make the place look spick and span. Although you might be used to moving heavy furniture or lifting heavy loads of laundry, it’s time to take a break from all that. Remember that heavy lifting can even induce premature labor. You’re just going to have to resign yourself to the fact that some things are off limits for the time being.

Climbing chairs or ladders

Yes, those windows need washing, and yes, the ceiling fan is dusty, but your health and safety is the top priority. You might not be quite as capable of keeping your balance as you were before, so avoid climbing at all costs, even if it’s something as harmless-looking as a step stool.


Mopping, sweeping and vacuum cleaning require bending, which could lead to more pain in your lower back. Besides, these activities keep you more exposed to dangerous dust particles. If you must do it, take as many breaks as possible and keep the room ventilated.

Cleaning up after pets

As much as you love those little guys, cleaning up after the pets is no job for a mom-to-be. Since pregnancy can make us more prone to allergies and infections, you must stay away from things like cat litter, dog poop and the like, or at least be extra cautious when handling pets.

Can I do house cleaning during pregnancy? Yes, but with MaidThis, there’s no need!

Questions like “Can I do house cleaning during pregnancy?” should be a thing of the past, and with the help of MaidThis, you can find a trusted house cleaner to help you achieve just that. With someone else doing all the heavy lifting, you can enjoy the time leading up to childbirth and take your time in preparation for motherhood.  Let us help you create memories of this period of your life that you will cherish forever and get in touch with us today!

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