What House Cleaning Should Be Done Weekly?

what house cleaning should be done weeklyTime just flies – even if you’re nowhere near having fun. Weeks might go by without you noticing that you may have neglected to, say, clean the carpets. We can relate – you have too much on your plate as it is, and a little dust on the chandelier is the last of your worries. But that’s why cleaning services Brentwood are here to remind us what house cleaning should be done weekly. Although chores can wait, it is the bane of adult life that some things are simply a must – even mothers-to-be are not completely exempt from chores.

Take a look at our list of what house cleaning should be done weekly so you can plan ahead and develop a weekly cleaning routine. Although less comprehensive than a professional cleaning checklist, it will come in handy. It might not sound like a lot of fun, but at least it will stop household chores from piling up.


Doing the laundry is not too difficult but it is ever so boring. Sorting the dirty laundry into lights and darks beforehand (the rule should apply to all the occupants in your household) will take up less of your time.

Kitchen appliances

The tricky part about cleaning the kitchen appliances is that they might seem clean even if they are actually not. Avoid grimy build-up by cleaning them thoroughly once a week using a clean sponge and a disinfectant.

Dusting the furniture

If you think dust is just ugly and leaves a bad impression on houseguests, think again. Not only does it pose danger to our health, it can even damage furniture surfaces by leaving tiny scratches.

Vacuuming carpets and rugs

Your vacuum cleaner is a godsend, so make sure it is ready for action at least once a week. It is the most efficient way to get rid of all the dust particles, especially if you are into the really fluffy carpets and shaggy rugs. Vacuuming once a week will prevent the really stubborn, heavy dirt from developing.

All the bathroom surfaces

Yes, it’s no picnic but it’s absolutely necessary if you want to keep those germs at bay. The bathroom is so moist and warm that it’s basically a haven for bacteria. Cleaning it requires using generous amounts of bleach to fiercely scrub the toilet, the sink, the bath and the tub so as to get rid of and prevent stains from mildew and the like.

It also includes cleaning all the other, seemingly less nasty, parts of the bathroom – the mirror, the fixtures and counters, tiles and grout, even cabinet doors. You really don’t want to know how far toilet water can actually travel.

Let MaidThis decide what house cleaning should be done weekly so you don’t have to

Ever had the feeling that cleaning tasks somehow proliferate all of their own? Don’t know what house cleaning should be done weekly? Here at MaidThis, we absolutely understand, which is why we will go above and beyond to match you with top-notch cleaners and recommend the best cleaning schedule for your home. Call us today and allow us to make your life a little easier!

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