MaidThis Maid & Cleaning Services Los Angeles Fri, 31 May 2024 19:52:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 MaidThis 32 32 221232288 Why You Should Hire a Professional Cleaning Company for Your Airbnb Fri, 31 May 2024 19:52:23 +0000 ...

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Every short-term rental host knows that maintaining a clean property is key to ensuring happy guests and those all-important 5-star reviews. But with so much to do, from keeping your listing up-to-date and communicating with guests to property management, finding the time to clean in between bookings can be challenging. 

That’s where hiring a professional cleaning company (like us!) can make all the difference. In case you haven’t taken the plunge and worked with the pros yet, here are just a few reasons why you should.

1. Time is Money

As an Airbnb host, your most valuable resource is time. Every minute you spend scrubbing floors, changing sheets, or sanitizing bathrooms is a minute you could be using to grow your STR business.

Whether it’s refining your listing, reaching out to potential guests, or investing in updates for your property, time saved on cleaning can be reinvested into things that generate revenue. Don’t forget: if you hope to turn a profit, you need to treat your property like a business. That involves spending your time very wisely.

2. Consistent Quality

As is the case for any type of business, consistency is key. Your guests will expect a certain level of cleanliness and comfort every time they book a stay. When you work with a professional cleaning company, you can rest easy knowing that your property will meet these expectations every time.

Professional cleaners have the expertise and tools to deliver top-notch results consistently — your guests will be itching to book their next vacation at your property.

3. Turnover is Easier

Managing an Airbnb can be hectic, especially during high season. As a host, you likely have a ton on your mind and cleaning is the last thing you want to worry about. That’s just one more reason why outsourcing your cleaning tasks to the pros can be so helpful.

They’ll take care of the bulk of what’s required for guest turnover so that you can focus on the other aspects of your business. When you take having to worry about the cleanliness of your property out of the picture, you’ll have more mental space to manage key exchanges and the like.

4. Attention to Detail

There’s nothing worse than spending hours cleaning your short-term rental property only to realize you missed a spot. It happens to the best of us, but with a professional cleaning company, you won’t have to worry about overlooked corners or hidden dust bunnies under the bed. 

Trained cleaning professionals are just that: trained. They pay attention to detail so that every inch of your property is clean and guest-ready — even those hard-to-reach baseboards and ceiling fans.

5. Streamlined Operations

Short-term rental hosts wear many hats. You need to be able to switch between marketer to customer service rep and everything in between. In other words, your plate is full! By outsourcing cleaning tasks to the pros, you can streamline your operations and focus on what you do best: running your STR business.

Leave the cleaning to the experts so you can focus more on growth.

6. Scalability and Growth

One of the greatest benefits of hiring a professional cleaning company is the scalability it offers. With the cleaning aspect taken care of, you can devote more of your attention to growing your business — looking into new properties, optimizing your existing listings, and implementing strategies to increase revenue.

When you invest in professional cleaning services, you ultimately invest in the future growth (and success) of your STR business.

7. Guest Satisfaction

Because that’s what it’s all about, right?

First impressions matter, and cleanliness is likely the first thing your guests will notice when they arrive at your property. Remember that your guests will have specific expectations when they book your property. If you’re able to meet those expectations there’s a better chance of garnering positive reviews — which can lead to more bookings and higher revenue. 

When you hire a professional cleaning company you can save time, ensure consistent quality, and provide a welcoming environment for your guests. With streamlined operations and a bigger focus on growth, outsourcing short-term rental cleaning is an investment into your business. 

Delegate wherever you can and you’ll set yourself up for success!

This content originally appeared in our twice-monthly Guest Book newsletter.

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8 Tips to Ease Back into an Exercise Routine Fri, 24 May 2024 18:01:12 +0000 ...

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We’ve all been there: the excitement of New Year’s resolutions has faded and now you can’t find the motivation you need to exercise. Maybe you stuck with it for a few weeks before falling back into bad habits, or maybe you only lasted a few days. 

Either way, it’s not too late to ease back into an exercise routine so you can feel your best. Here are our top tips to help get you started.

1. Reflect on Your Goals

Before diving back into exercise, take a moment to reflect on your initial fitness goals and the motivations behind them. 

Are they still relevant? Have your priorities shifted? Don’t be afraid to adjust your goals so they align with what you hope to achieve now. You may consider writing down the reasons why you want to get fit. This can help clarify your “why” so that you feel more motivated to get out there and move your body.

2. Start Slow

You may be tempted to jump back into the groove, but starting slow is key to preventing injury and burnout. There’s nothing worse than going too hard for a week or so, only to feel too sore to keep going!

Begin with low-intensity activities like walking, yoga, or gentle bodyweight exercises like situps. Gradually increase the intensity as you continue to get back in shape and you won’t have to worry about getting hurt or losing motivation.

3. Find Exercises You Actually Like

When it comes to being active, there are so many different options. Don’t force yourself to go for a five-mile run seven days a week if you don’t like to run — try swimming, hiking, playing a sport, or even dancing instead! 

Incorporating activities that you genuinely enjoy into your routine will make exercise feel less like something you have to do and more like something you get to do. Experiment with different things, and don’t be afraid to try something new until you land on something you truly like.

4. Find an Accountability Buddy

You don’t have to go at it alone. Surround yourself with supportive people who will encourage you along the way. This could be friends, family, or even a Facebook group where you can share about your progress (and challenges). 

You may also consider finding an accountability buddy — someone with similar goals who can keep you motivated. Having someone to hold you accountable can help you stay on track and inspired, especially on those days when you feel like giving up.

5. Stay Positive

It may be cheesy, but it’s essential to keep a positive mindset if you hope to accomplish your fitness goals. 

Many people experience mental barriers when it comes to exercise, like fear of failure or lack of confidence. Address these challenges head-on and stay positive. Be kind to yourself and remember that progress takes time. Lean into the process instead of the outcome and celebrate those small wins. For example, if you told yourself you would work out three days a week and you did, that’s huge!

6. Set Realistic Expectations

You also need to set realistic expectations if you hope to stay motivated. It’s essential to understand that your progress may be gradual and setbacks aren’t the end of the world. There will inevitably be days when you feel tired or you may get sick. 

Instead of dwelling on what you can’t do, focus on what you’ve done so far. And perhaps most importantly, be patient and kind with yourself. 

7. Incorporate Exercise into Your Daily Life

Finding time for exercise can be difficult, especially if you’re a busy parent. Look out for opportunities for physical activity wherever you can. Try to take the stairs instead of the elevator, or take your next conference call while out for a walk. Or, why not join your kids for a game of tag?

Get creative and make exercise a non-negotiable part of your routine. Every little bit counts, so don’t underestimate the power of small, consistent efforts.

8. Track Your Progress

Keeping an eye on your progress as you go along can be a great motivator. There are plenty of fitness apps out there, or you could simply write in a journal. Assess how you’re feeling both physically and mentally, and be open to adjusting your routine if it’s no longer working for you.

If you hit one of your goals, reward yourself! There’s no shame in giving yourself a pat on the back for a job well done.

Whether you’re restarting your fitness journey or looking for ways to keep your momentum, these tips can help you achieve your goals and have fun doing it. 

This content originally appeared in our monthly Open Calendar Club newsletter.

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Helpful Tools to Make Property Turnovers Easier Mon, 20 May 2024 21:55:18 +0000 ...

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Running a successful short-term vacation rental has its share of ups and downs. Helping others have the getaway of a lifetime, enjoy a fun weekend away, or explore a new city could certainly be considered the “ups.” Inconsiderate neighbors, nasty reviews, and late guests are just a few of the “downs.” Generally, the ups outweigh the downs, which is why we’re still here, helping Airbnb hosts make the most of their short-term rental property!

Another one of the key challenges hosts face is managing property turnovers. The turnover process can be time-consuming and demanding whether you welcome new guests every few days or between longer stays. Trust us…we’ve been there.

But, with the right tools and strategies in place, you can streamline the entire process and make it a breeze. Below you’ll find some helpful tools and tips tailored to STR hosts to make property turnovers easier.

Tools for Managing Bookings

Let’s begin at the beginning. Managing your bookings effectively is crucial for smooth turnovers. You’re already a step ahead if you use online booking platforms and management software like Airbnb or VRBO. You may also consider syncing your booking calendars with a third-party service like Guesty or Hostaway. Your reservations will all be in one place, you can easily communicate with guests, and even automate tasks like sending check-in instructions and reminders.

When everything is connected across platforms you won’t have to worry about double-booking, and you’ll be able to keep better track of upcoming turnovers. Automated messaging systems can save you time by sending pre-written messages to guests at key points, like after booking confirmation or before check-out, ensuring they have all the necessary information.

Smart Locks and Keyless Entry Systems

If you’ve booked a property on Airbnb yourself lately, you know that long gone are the days of exchanging keys with guests in person. While we’re a little nostalgic for the in-person key exchanges of yesteryear, we can appreciate the upside of smart locks and keyless entry systems: no more waiting around until all hours of the night for late guests. Additionally, you never have to worry about missing keys!

Brands like August, Schlage, and Yale boast a range of options that are compatible with Airbnb, allowing guests to check in remotely using apps on their phones or unique codes. 

Hire Professional Cleaners

Hiring a professional cleaning team (like us!) can save you time and guarantee that your property is in tip-top condition after one guest leaves and before the next one checks in. You can easily connect your booking calendar to our software so your Airbnb cleaning is automatically scheduled for you after each guest’s check-out.

All of our cleaners have experience with short-term rentals, and will even report low supplies or any damage. It’s a great option for hosts with out-of-town or even out-of-state properties.

Keep Cleaning Supplies Well-Stocked

Most professional cleaners will come with their own supplies, but it’s never a bad idea to have cleaning products at your short-term rental property. 

Stock up on essentials like multipurpose cleaners, disinfectants, microfiber cloths, and a vacuum cleaner. You’ll also want to make sure that you have a basic tool kit, light bulbs, and batteries for minor repairs and upkeep. That way, you’re always prepared for turnovers — and you won’t have to worry about running out to the store.

Organization and Storage Solutions

Ample organization and storage solutions are key to keeping your property tidy between guests. There’s no denying that some folks are messier than others (no judgment), but having storage bins, baskets, and shelving to keep things organized may help encourage them to clean up. You should also keep any cleaning supplies neatly stowed away so that your cleaning team can access them easily.

A well-organized property looks inviting to guests and makes turnovers smoother and more efficient!

Guest Feedback Matters

Guest feedback is so essential. It tells you what’s working and what’s not — you may have a bunch of bright ideas for your STR property, but if none of them resonate with your guests then it doesn’t make much sense to pursue them!

Encourage your guests to leave reviews after their stay and take their feedback seriously. Then, consider implementing changes based on their suggestions. This could include upgrading amenities, adjusting your check-in process, or addressing any other concerns. When you show previous bookings how much you care, you’ll attract future ones.

When it comes to STR property turnovers, the right tools can make all the difference. From booking management software and smart locks to professional cleaners, investing in the right ones can streamline your processes, save you time, and garner more 5-star reviews. Paying attention to the little things can make a big difference!

This content originally appeared in our twice-monthly Guest Book newsletter.

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The Ideal Daily Cleaning Checklist for Your Home Mon, 20 May 2024 10:15:43 +0000 You have a couple of options to get a handle on your home cleaning routine. You can create a detailed daily cleaning schedule with a manageable checklist. It makes sense to break down your household cleaning into manageable tasks by day, week, month, or season. That way you have every cleaning project covered.

The post The Ideal Daily Cleaning Checklist for Your Home appeared first on MaidThis.

Many people do a thorough cleaning of their house or apartment the day before vacation. There is nothing quite like coming home to a spotless house with nothing to clean and no laundry in sight other than that inside your luggage. It is such a feeling of relief after traveling. Wouldn’t it be nice if your home was always this clean, especially after a busy day in bustling Los Angeles? And who wants to spend their well-deserved weekends doing a week’s worth of cleaning?

You have a couple of options to get a handle on your home cleaning routine. You can create a detailed daily cleaning schedule with a manageable checklist. It makes sense to break down your household cleaning into manageable tasks by day, week, month, or season. That way you have every cleaning project covered. Not everything needs to be cleaned daily, so use your judgment. If sticking to your list of daily cleaning tasks just isn’t working out, you can always hire a professional cleaning service like MaidThis to tackle your checklist either on a routine basis or seasonally.

Here is a daily cleaning checklist and tips for tackling weekly, monthly, and yearly house cleaning projects.

Ideal Daily Cleaning Checklist by Area

Spending just a few minutes each day to clean and tidy up can make a profound difference in how comfortable and healthy your home feels. Addressing small cleaning projects each day ensures that the tasks don’t pile up and cause a meltdown later. A good rule of thumb is to clean what is within sight and reach. You will be surprised how these simple exercises will simplify your life. And “exercises” is what you can think of them as because they have the added benefit of getting you moving.


  •  Make your bed as soon as you get up
  •  Fold blankets and fluff pillows
  •  Open up window coverings to let the sun in
  •  Place dirty clothes in the hamper or put a wash on
  •  Fold and put away clean clothes
Bedroom Cleaning


  •  Make your bed as soon as you get up
  •  Fold blankets and fluff pillows
  •  Open up window coverings to let the sun in
  •  Place dirty clothes in the hamper or put a wash on
  •  Fold and put away clean clothes
Bathroom Cleaning


  • Wipe down countertops
  • Wash the dishes or put them in the dishwasher after each meal
  • Clean out pet bowls
  • Sanitize cutting boards
  • Thoroughly wipe clean the sinks
  • Take full garbage bags and recycling outside
  • Place all uneaten food in containers and into the fridge
  • Sweep or dry mop kitchen and mudroom floors
  • Change out dish towels and sponges (can be done 3x weekly)
Kitchen Cleaning

Living Areas:

  • Fluff pillows and fold loose throws
  • Organize clutter and stack reading material
  • Use an appropriate cloth to wipe down technology screens
  • Put the kids’ toys away at the end of the day
Living Areas Cleaning


  • Empty waste bins
  • Clean the litter box
  • Wipe up any spills right away
  • Clean washer and dryer surfaces
  • Wipe down gym equipment
Clean washer and dryer

These are the basics that you will want to incorporate into your daily routine. This list is the foundation for keeping your home tidy, pest-free, and sanitary. While it looks like a lot, you will sleep better knowing that you are going to wake up to an organized house and come home to a clean environment. The list is doable and will become a healthy habit that is simply part of your day.

Suggested Weekly or Bi-Weekly Cleaning List

Daily cleaning is important for maintaining order within the home. Weekly cleaning goes a little deeper by addressing dust, laundry, and sanitizing. If you don’t have the time for weekly or bi-weekly cleaning tasks, consider using a service like MaidThis.

  • Change and wash sheets and towels
  • Scrub bathroom fixtures
  • Clean mirrors and shower enclosures
  • Dust furnishings, shelves, and light fixtures
  • Mop floors
  • Vacuum carpets
  • Wipe down kitchen appliances
  • Water plants

Monthly Cleaning Projects

Once per month, you can tackle some areas of the home that you don’t routinely clean. These are things that might be considered out of sight and out of mind. If left unattended, these areas can become a real chore to clean after a few months. Enlist the help of a cleaning service if you need it.

  • Launder bath mats and small, washable throw rugs
  • Flush sink drains with baking soda and vinegar or boiling water
  • Clean tub and shower surrounds/walls
  • Wipe down kitchen and bathroom cabinets and hardware
  • Sanitize the interior of the washing machine
  • Dust wood blinds and HVAC registers
  • Vacuum curtains and upholstery
  • Wipe down doors, trim, and window sills
  • Sanitize light switches, remotes, keyboards, and mice
  • Polish wood surfaces
  • Clean out the fridge and wipe down the inside of the microwave
  • Hose out the garbage and recycling bins

Tackling Seasonal Cleaning Projects

Most people do spring cleaning once the temperatures rise and you are opening the windows. This is an opportunity to do some deep cleaning and a lot of purging. It is recommended that you do this again in the fall after the leaves have fallen from the trees.

  • Scrub tile grout
  • Clean out bathroom and kitchen cabinets
  • Toss expired food and cosmetics
  • Clean the range hood and oven thoroughly
  • Vacuum or wipe down fans and space heaters and change HEPA filters
  • Launder pillows, blankets, and bedspreads
  • Vacuum and flip mattresses
  • Wipe down baseboards and moldings
  • Have carpets professionally cleaned
  • Clean windows and framed artwork glass
  • Swap out clothing and donate some
  • Organize and sweep out the garage

Is Daily Cleaning Necessary?

Think of your home as your sanctuary. It is a safe place that should feel comfortable and healthy. Keeping it clean and organized is one of the best things you can do to maintain that sense of security. It is also nice when friends or family drop by.

It takes about 20 to 30 minutes a day to keep your home tidy. You can certainly spread out the tasks on the daily checklist. It doesn’t have to be accomplished all at once. If you slack, don’t beat yourself up. Sometimes you are simply exhausted or maybe not feeling your best. Don’t sweat the small stuff. Cleaning shouldn’t be an activity that causes anxiety. If you are someone who simply can’t keep your home clean regularly, call the professionals at MaidThis in Los Angeles and we will help you with your daily cleaning schedule or one that works within your schedule and budget. Our house cleaners can take the burden off of you and ensure your home is organized and healthy.

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Common Short-Term Vacation Rental FAQs for Hosts Fri, 26 Apr 2024 01:43:00 +0000 ...

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Whether you’ve had a short-term vacation rental property for a while or you’re just getting started, hosting comes with its share of questions and challenges. There’s much to learn and understand if you want to provide a positive experience for your guests and fully realize your rental’s potential.

In the spirit of helping you feel prepared, we’ve done some digging and found the most frequently asked questions that every vacation rental host should know the answers to. From pricing and attracting guests to handling communication and legal considerations, you’ll want to take notes for this one.

FAQ 1: How do I Price My Rental?

Setting the right price for your vacation rental is crucial for attracting guests while maximizing your earnings. Consider things like location, amenities, seasonality, and local market trends when determining your rates. Use pricing tools provided by rental platforms (like Airbnb’s Smart Pricing) and keep an eye on your local market to stay competitive. Don’t be afraid to adjust your rates based on demand and occupancy levels to really optimize your rental’s revenue potential.

FAQ 2: How do I Attract Potential Guests to my Rental?

The vacation STR world is very saturated, so it’s important to stand out. Optimize your listing with high-quality photos and detailed descriptions that highlight your rental’s unique features and amenities. Consider creating promotional strategies such as discounts, special offers, and targeted advertising to attract guests. You can also engage with potential guests through social media, blogs, and online forums to increase your visibility and reach a wider audience.

FAQ 3: What are Some Guest Communication Best Practices?

Communication is key to a successful STR experience — for you as the host and for your guests. Set clear expectations from the beginning and respond promptly to inquiries and messages. Provide your guests with all the information they need before their arrival and be available to assist them throughout their stay. Be sure to respond to any questions or concerns as soon as you can to ensure a positive guest experience.

FAQ 4: What Amenities Should I Have in My STR?

Your amenities are yet another way to stand out among the crowd. You should always include essentials such as comfortable bedding, Wi-Fi, and kitchen appliances like a coffee maker. Depending on your target audience and rental location, you may also want to offer additional amenities such as a swimming pool, hot tub, or barbecue grill. 

FAQ 5: How do I Ensure a Smooth Check-In Process?

A smooth check-in process helps set the tone for an enjoyable and stress-free vacation for your guests. Give clear instructions for self-check-in or the key exchange, including directions to the property and parking information. Be flexible and ready to provide support if they encounter any issues or are confused by your directions. Try to make things as seamless as possible!

FAQ 6: What House Rules Should I Have at My Vacation Rental?

Having clear policies for your rental helps set expectations and minimize misunderstandings. Create rules for guests’ behavior, use of amenities, making noise, and the like. You’ll also want to establish policies for cancellations, refunds, and security deposits to protect both you and your guests. Communicate your house rules clearly in your rental agreement and listing description to avoid any confusion or potential arguments.

FAQ 7: How Should I Handle Guest Feedback and Reviews?

Reviews and feedback provide valuable insights into your STR’s strengths and weaknesses. Encourage your guests to leave reviews after their stay, and respond respectfully to both positive and negative feedback. Then, use their comments and concerns to make necessary adjustments to improve future guests’ stays. It’s all a learning opportunity!

FAQ 8: What Legal Considerations Should I Be Aware of?

Navigating the legal and regulatory pieces of owning a short-term vacation rental can sometimes be confusing, especially for newer hosts. Familiarize yourself with local laws and regulations such as zoning rules, building codes, and licensing requirements to avoid any fines or penalties. Don’t be afraid to seek legal advice if needed — that’s what lawyers are there for.

Hosting a short-term vacation rental can be a rewarding and profitable experience, but it requires careful planning, communication, and attention to detail. By understanding and addressing these common FAQs, you can provide a positive experience for your guests and set yourself up for success. 

If you always strive to improve your hosting skills and adapt to the needs of your guests you can’t go wrong. 

This content originally appeared in our twice-monthly Guest Book newsletter.

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10 Homemade Games to Make (and Play!) with Your Kids Thu, 18 Apr 2024 22:41:48 +0000 ...

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As busy parents, we know that finding quality time to spend with your children can be challenging. However, creating homemade games and playing them together is not only a great way to bond, but also encourages creativity, problem-solving skills, and more.

In an age where screens rule, get back to basics instead. There are a variety of homemade games that you can easily make and enjoy playing with your kids. Below you’ll find a few of our favorites.

1. Board Games

Board games are a timeless favorite for many families, so why not put a personal touch on them? Use materials like cardboard, markers, and stickers to create your own custom board games. Whether it’s a homemade version of Snakes and Ladders or a personalized family trivia game, there are tons of possibilities.

2. Card Games

With just index cards or recycled materials, you can create your own unique card games. Try making a memory matching game with pictures of family members or a custom “Go Fish” deck featuring your kids’ favorite characters. Old Maid is another classic, or you can even make a homemade Uno deck.

3. Indoor Obstacle Course

Use pillows, chairs, and blankets to create challenges that will test your kids’ agility and problem-solving abilities. This activity is a great way to burn off energy on rainy days (we’ve all been there) while promoting creativity and teamwork. Make sure to set it up somewhere where there’s plenty of room to run — it’s a great option if you have a large finished basement, for example. 

4. Outdoor Board Games

Create a giant tic-tac-toe grid using rope or chalk and large stones or wooden blocks. Or try your hand at a life-sized version of checkers using painted stones. Your kids will love creating the games from scratch as well as playing them. It’s a wonderful way to spend an entire afternoon outside, away from the TV or tablet.

5. Indoor Bowling Alley

Transform your hallway or living room into a mini-bowling alley with homemade bowling pins and a soft ball. Use empty plastic bottles as bowling pins and set them up at one end of the room in a triangular formation. Take turns rolling the ball and knocking down the pins to score points. This game promotes hand-eye coordination and motor skills — and is much more cost-effective than taking the whole family to your local bowling alley.

6. Nature Scavenger Hunt

Create a list of items commonly found in nature, such as pinecones, flowers, bird feathers, leaves, rocks, and the like, and let your kids loose to find them. Not only is this activity fun and exciting, but it also helps children develop observation skills and a love for nature. You can get really creative here — if you live near the beach, add some shells to the list, or if you live in the mountains, add some evergreen sprigs. 

7. Bean Bag Toss

You can easily create a homemade bean bag toss game using materials like cardboard, paint, and bean bags. Cut out various-sized holes in a large piece of cardboard and assign different point values to each hole. Decorate the board with colorful designs or themes to make it visually appealing. Set the board up in your backyard or driveway and take turns tossing bean bags to score points. Perfect for sunny days.

8. DIY Puzzles

Create some personalized puzzles using photographs or drawings. Cut them into pieces and watch as your kids put them back together again. Your children will get a kick out of putting together a puzzle with their very own faces on it!

9. Treasure Hunt

Organize a DIY treasure hunt in your backyard or local park. Create a map with clues leading to hidden treasures such as small toys, treats, or coins. Hide the treasures in various locations and provide your kids with the map and clues to guide them on their treasure-hunting journey. This homemade game will keep your kids entertained for hours. You could even involve some of their friends or neighbors. 

10. Indoor Camping

Set up a tent or build a makeshift fort using blankets, pillows, and furniture. Or, create a cozy campsite with sleeping bags, lanterns, and snacks. Tell stories, play games, and enjoy classic camping activities like roasting marshmallows over a pretend campfire (you could use a flashlight). The best part? You won’t have to worry about any pesky bugs!

Homemade games provide a wonderful opportunity for families to bond, laugh, and create lasting memories together. Whether you need something to entertain your little ones indoors on a rainy day, or looking for fun ways to spend more time outside, there’s no shortage of games to make.

This content originally appeared in our monthly Open Calendar Club newsletter.

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9 Things You’re Doing Wrong with Your Airbnb Listing Thu, 11 Apr 2024 19:35:46 +0000 ...

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As a short-term rental host, you likely already know the importance of creating a stellar Airbnb listing. The market is incredibly saturated, so it’s crucial to stand out among the hundreds of thousands — if not millions! — of other listings.

Are you making the most of the platform? We’ve been in the STR industry for a while now, and have learned a thing or two ourselves. Let’s explore some common mistakes that hosts make with their Airbnb listings and how you can improve yours.

1. Poor Quality Photos

First impressions matter, especially in the world of Airbnb. If your listing photos are blurry, poorly lit, or cluttered, you could be turning potential guests away before they even have a chance to consider your property. Take the time to invest in high-quality photos that showcase your space in the best possible light. Natural light, clean spaces, and flattering angles can make all the difference in attracting guests and encouraging bookings.

2. Incomplete or Inaccurate Listing Information

Your listing is your opportunity to sell potential guests on the experience of staying at your property. Don’t make the mistake of providing incomplete or inaccurate information. Make sure your listing includes detailed descriptions, accurate amenities lists, and clear house rules. Guests want to know exactly what to expect when they arrive, so be upfront and transparent about what your property has to offer.

3. Neglecting to Highlight Unique Selling Points

Every short-term rental property has something special to offer, whether it’s a stunning view, a unique architectural feature, or access to local attractions. Failing to highlight these unique selling points in your listing is essentially like letting potential guests walk out the door before they’ve even arrived. Take the time to showcase what makes your property special and differentiate it from the competition. Whether it’s a cozy fireplace, a fully equipped kitchen, or a private patio, make sure to let guests know what sets your property apart.

4. Ignoring Guest Feedback

Guest feedback is a valuable resource for improving your Airbnb listing and enhancing the guest experience. Take the time to read and respond to guest feedback, and use it as an opportunity to identify areas for improvement. Whether it’s a suggestion for a new amenity or a complaint about cleanliness, guest feedback can provide valuable insights into how you can make your listing even better.

5. Incorrect Pricing

Pricing is a crucial factor in attracting guests and maximizing your earnings as an Airbnb host. Avoid pricing your property too high, as this can deter potential guests, but also be wary of pricing it too low, as this could leave money on the table. Take the time to research comparable listings in your area and set competitive and dynamic pricing — Airbnb calls their pricing tool Smart Pricing — based on market trends, demand, and seasonality.

6. Poor Communication with Guests

Clear and timely communication with guests is essential for a positive guest experience. Don’t make the mistake of being slow to respond to inquiries, sending vague messages, or failing to provide necessary information. Make sure to respond promptly to guest inquiries, provide clear instructions for check-in and check-out, and be proactive in addressing any questions or concerns that guests may have during their stay. If you don’t, they will mention it in a review, which will penalize your listing.

7. Create a Compelling Title and Description 

Your listing title and description are often the first things potential guests see when browsing Airbnb. Crafting compelling and informative titles and descriptions can make a big difference in attracting guests to your property. Avoid generic titles and descriptions and instead, focus on highlighting the unique features and benefits of your property. Use descriptive language to paint a clear picture of the guest experience and entice potential guests to book your listing. Remember to include relevant keywords in your title and description to improve visibility in search results.

8. Offer Exceptional Hospitality

From the moment guests inquire about your property to the time they check out, aim to provide a memorable and positive experience. Respond promptly to guest messages, provide clear and detailed instructions for check-in and check-out, and go above and beyond to exceed expectations during their stay. Personal touches like welcome notes, local recommendations, and small amenities can leave a lasting impression and lead to positive reviews and repeat bookings.

9. Forgetting to Update the Listing Regularly

Finally, don’t make the mistake of neglecting to update your Airbnb listing regularly. Keep it fresh and up-to-date with accurate information and photos. If your photos are outdated or your availability calendar is inaccurate, you could be missing out on potential bookings. Take the time to regularly refresh your photos, update your pricing and availability, and make any necessary changes to your property description to ensure that your listing is always attracting guests and maximizing your earnings.

By avoiding these common mistakes and implementing our tips, you can improve your listing and create a more positive experience for your guests. Take a look at your listing, and see how you can make it even better. Your guests will thank you, and so will your booking stats!

This content originally appeared in our twice-monthly Guest Book Newsletter.

The post 9 Things You’re Doing Wrong with Your Airbnb Listing appeared first on MaidThis.

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Professional Deep Cleaning Checklist – Your Home Cleaning Guide Tue, 09 Apr 2024 15:31:52 +0000 When the time comes to deep clean your home, we would suggest you follow a preordained deep cleaning house checklist. We would even submit that you might want to use multiple deep cleaning checklists by room. It will help you stay organized while cleaning. It will also help to ensure that nothing gets missed.

The post Professional Deep Cleaning Checklist – Your Home Cleaning Guide appeared first on MaidThis.

To do anything the right way, you need to follow the proper protocols. Believe it or not, that does apply to housekeeping. It’s okay to take a random approach to your house cleaning responsibilities, but more times than not, things are going to get missed.

If you want to be able to clean your home like a professional house cleaner or maid, you have to emulate the way they do things. What makes them such good housekeepers? The answer is experience and a willingness to use house cleaning checklists.

When the time comes to deep clean your home, we would suggest you follow a preordained deep cleaning house checklist. We would even submit that you might want to use multiple deep cleaning checklists by room. It will help you stay organized while cleaning. It will also help to ensure that nothing gets missed.

Why Deep Cleaning is Important

Over weeks or months, dirt, dust, grease, and grime will accumulate in hard-to-reach places throughout your home. The problem with hard-to-reach places is they often get missed or ignored when you are addressing your regular daily, weekly, and monthly housekeeping responsibilities. You can’t afford to allow this to happen for too long because it presents the possibility of health issues for you and your family members.

To avoid such problems, you really need to get in the habit of doing intermittent deep house cleanings. How often should it be a function of how much activity is taking place in your home? If you are single and rather tidy, a deep cleaning once every couple of months would likely suffice. If you have an active household filled with family members running about, it’s our opinion that monthly deep cleanings would be appropriate at a minimum.

As a professional cleaning company that cares, we offer you the following information regarding the deep cleaning process and how using a professional deep cleaning checklist can help you get things done right.

How to get started

Cleaning supplies

It’s good that you have decided to deep clean your home. Before you get started, we highly recommend that you find or create a deep cleaning checklist by room that you can follow as your housekeeping guide.

By the way, you can’t do a proper deep house cleaning without the proper cleaning supplies.

At a minimum, here is a list of cleaning supplies you should have on hand as you get started. The list includes cleaning tools and cleaning products.

Cleaning supplies

  •  Wet and dry mops
  • A broom and vacuum cleaner
  • Feather duster for hard-to-reach areas
  • Microfiber cleaning cloths
  • Scrub brushes and sponges
  • Rubber gloves and safety glasses if necessary
  • Bathroom cleaner with scrubbing foam
  • All-purpose cleaning chemicals
  • Glass and mirror cleaner
  • Hard floor cleaning products
  • Furniture polish
  • Trash bags

Once you have your checklists and cleaning supplies, it’s time to get started.

Entire Home Deep Cleaning Checklist

If you so choose, you can go with a single deep cleaning checklist that covers the entire home. It’s not an issue as long as the checklist is organized in a manner that makes it easy to follow. If you live in a small apartment, condo, or home, a single checklist might be the best option.

This first checklist includes the chores that will be common throughout the entire house. The list includes

  • Clean ceiling fans and hanging light fixtures
  • Wash all windows and window frames (inside/outside) and window coverings
  • Washout wastebaskets
  • Replace HVAC air filters
  • Clean baseboards, door jambs, and door frames
  • Clean and test security system and fire alarms

Note: Using a single checklist can create challenges when faced with cleaning larger homes. Since the reasons for using a checklist are to stay organized and make sure nothing gets missed, individual room-by-room cleaning checklists can be very helpful.

Room-by-Room Deep Cleaning Checklist

A room-by-room deep cleaning house checklist will work fine in two formats. It’s okay to use a single checklist if it’s organized by room. If you can’t find or create one you like, we would recommend you go with multiple checklists with one designated for each room in the home.

Regardless of the format that you choose, the following information is going to focus on the deep cleaning tasks that you should tackle in each room. Note: Deep cleaning chores should be additions to the standard chores you would do with regular cleaning.


  • Clean and organize shoe racks
  • Polish door hardware (knobs, locks, and hinges)
  • Clean entryway windows if applicable
  • Clean the outside porch area to decrease dirt to be tracked in
  • Clean doormats


  •  Clean the fridge/freezer inside and outside – dispose of stale dated food
  • Clean tile grout
  • Clean the oven – inside the oven, stove burners, stovetop, hood/hood fan
  • Scrub and disinfect all small appliance
  • Move large appliances and clean underneath and behind if possible
  • Clean inside of dishwasher – empty filters, clean soap dish and drains
  • Clean inside of the microwave
  • Clean tile grout
  • Clean out garbage disposal and sink drains
  • Disinfect exposed surfaces
  • Clean and organize cupboards and cabinets

Living Room Areas

Living Room Deep Cleaning
  • Clean and disinfect remotes
  • Wipe down room trinkets and decorations
  • Shampoo furniture cushions
  • Vacuum under and between furniture cushions
  • Shampoo carpets and or wax tile floors
  • Clean pillow coverings and throw rugs


  • Wash all bedding – sheets, comforters, blankets, and pillow covers
  • Vacuum under the mattress and bed
  • Clean out and organize drawers & closets
  • Wash curtains
  • Declutter the room
  • Dust bookshelves, books, computers, and lamps
  • Clean and disinfect the TV remote
  • Clean mirrors


  • Toss outdated toiletries
  • Clean all tile grout
  • Wash bathroom rugs
  • Wash shower curtains and liners
  • Wash and disinfect all bathroom counter objects like the toothbrush holder
  • Scrub and disinfect the entire toilet – bowl, tank, base
  • Clean out and organize cabinets, medicine cabinet, and drawers
  • Clean bathroom and vanity mirrors
  • Polish brass plumbing fixtures

Laundry/Utility Room

Laundry/Utility Room
  • Clean dryer lint traps and air vents
  • Clean under and behind the washer and dryer
  • Clean clothing racks
  • Clean and organize cabinets
  • Scrub and disinfect the inside of the washer and dryer

Deep Cleaning Tips

As cleaning professionals, our maids have been able to come up with deep cleaning tips and hacks that make the deep cleaning process easier. For your benefit, here are a few deep cleaning tips of note:

  • Make sure all of your cleaning chemicals are certified as safe for use around children and pets
  • Always clean from the back of a room to the door
  • Clean from the top of the room to the floor, leaving floor cleaning for last
  • Citrus fruits serve as good glass and mirror cleaners
  • Lavender and lemon cleaning scents are best
  • Send the family out for the day on deep cleaning day
  • Finish a room and close the door before going to the next room

Need Help – Call MaidThis

After looking at this list, it’s understandable that you might find the deep cleaning process to be a bit intimidating. It takes a lot of time and hard work to get to those hard-to-reach places. Here’s a thought.

Why don’t you delegate your deep cleaning responsibilities to us? No one on planet Earth would blame you for letting the pros handle this responsibility.

At MaidThis, we contract with the best maids in the Los Angeles area. Each one has abundant qualifications and lots of experience at deep cleaning houses. Did we mention they like to use cleaning lists? If you hire us, you will get our quality services at an affordable price. We’ll also back the results with our 100% customer satisfaction guarantee.

When deep cleaning time comes, you can schedule a cleaning appointment via our automated online scheduling system (below). You can also schedule by phone if you would prefer.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the correct order to clean a house?

There is a science to correctly cleaning a house. The ultimate goal is to keep the dirt moving from one area to the next without risking tracking dirt through cleaned areas. First, each room should be cleaned from the ceiling to the floor, keeping the dirt moving downward. Second, you start at the back of the house and keep moving towards the last exit of the house.

How long should it take to deep clean a house?

It would depend on the size of the home and the deep cleaning chores to be included. At a minimum, it should take 4 hours. For a big house, it could take an entire day.

What are the steps for deep cleaning?

You start with the basic house cleaning chores as sort of prep work. When the deep cleaning starts, you’ll be attacking underneath and between things. That would typically be where grease and grime are hiding in those hard-to-reach places that get missed during regular or standard cleanings.

The post Professional Deep Cleaning Checklist – Your Home Cleaning Guide appeared first on MaidThis.

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How to Keep Your Personal Belongings Safe in Your Airbnb Thu, 28 Mar 2024 20:05:08 +0000 ...

The post How to Keep Your Personal Belongings Safe in Your Airbnb appeared first on MaidThis.

If you’re one of those rare Airbnb hosts who call their property home or keep personal belongings on-site, you know that finding a middle ground between trusting your guests and wanting to keep your things safe is a delicate one.

While sharing your space can be a rewarding experience, if you don’t put a little thought into how to keep your possessions safe, you run the risk of someone damaging them — or worse, losing them altogether.

There are practical steps you can take to safeguard your personal items without compromising the warm and welcoming atmosphere that makes staying in a short-term vacation rental (instead of a hotel) so special. 

Assess the Risks

Before getting into what you can do to protect yourself, it’s important to consider the potential risks. As a host, you’re inviting temporary guests into your personal space — striking that right balance is crucial. That’s why it’s important to recognize your vulnerabilities and establish strategies to mitigate them to keep your hosting experience as positive as possible.

Being aware of the transient nature of short-term rental guests is the first step. While the majority of Airbnb users are trustworthy, you must acknowledge the occasional uncertainty that comes with welcoming strangers into your home. With this in mind, you can better prepare for potential challenges and take proactive steps to secure your personal belongings.

Establish Trustworthy Communication

Just like in friendship, dating, or marriage, open and honest communication sets the stage for a successful guest/host relationship. Clearly communicate with your guests about your personal belongings and set expectations for respecting your property. A transparent dialogue creates mutual trust and can go a long way toward encouraging a sense of responsibility among your guests.

Consider adding a note in your welcome packet that outlines the shared spaces and highlights the importance of respecting your personal items. This not only serves as a gentle reminder but also reinforces a positive and considerate dynamic.

Set Clear House Rules

Take the time to outline specific house rules related to your personal belongings, and incorporate them into a written agreement that guests must acknowledge before booking. This may seem extreme — and some people may not even like it — but it sets clear expectations. A written agreement may also come in handy in case any issues arise during a given stay.

Your house rules should include specific guidelines on how guests should treat shared spaces and handle personal items. Be explicit about any restricted areas and remember to communicate the consequences of not adhering to these rules. Respectful and responsible guests will be more than willing to follow the instructions that you set out.

Create a Designated Safe Space

While the phrase “safe space” is often overused these days, you need to create one in your STR to ensure that your things stay, well, safe. Identify specific areas within your property where personal items can be safely stored. 

For example, if you have a study or home office, designate it as an off-limits area for guests. Install locks on cabinets or closets that contain personal items to provide an added layer of protection. By clearly defining boundaries, you create a secure and organized environment that minimizes the risk of accidents.

Check-In Regularly

While it’s important to give your guests the privacy they deserve when your property is occupied, you should make it a habit to check in on your STR between bookings. It can be helpful to keep a day or so window between each one so you have plenty of time to look in on your property without stepping on guests’ toes.

Regular check-ins allow you to assess the condition of your property, determine whether your personal belongings are in good condition (and not missing), and generally make sure everything is running smoothly. Additionally, you can do these check-ins yourself, or rely on a friend or trusted service (like MaidThis!) to keep you in the loop. 

Learn From Guest Reviews

Reviews are a wonderful resource for improving your security measures — you want your guests to feel that their own personal belongings are safe in your property as well! Encourage them to share any concerns or suggestions they may have about personal belonging safety. This feedback loop can be super valuable.

After each guest’s stay, take the time to review their feedback. If any security-related concerns arise, address them promptly and consider implementing improvements based on the suggestions provided.

Finding the sweet spot between trust and security is possible. By following these guidelines, you can create a safe and comfortable environment for your guests while ensuring the protection of your personal belongings. 

This content originally appeared in our twice-monthly Guest Book Newsletter.

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The Ultimate Move-Out Cleaning Checklist: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks for a Stress-Free Clean Thu, 28 Mar 2024 13:57:48 +0000 Whether you're trying to get your deposit back or just want to leave a good impression, a thorough move-out clean is a must. But where do you even start?Don't worry; we've got your back with this ultimate move out cleaning checklist.

The post The Ultimate Move-Out Cleaning Checklist: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks for a Stress-Free Clean appeared first on MaidThis.


You’ve survived the packing, the box labeling, and the “Why do I still have this?” moments. 

Now, it’s time for the final battle: the move-out clean. 

Whether you’re trying to get your deposit back or just want to leave a good impression (you never know when you might need a reference!), a thorough move-out clean is a must. 

But where do you even start?

Don’t worry; we’ve got your back with this ultimate move out cleaning checklist.

Why a Thorough Move-Out Clean is Crucial

Think of a move-out clean like a first date, but without the awkward goodnight kiss and with a much better chance of success. 

The aim is to make a great impression, right?

Well, with a move-out cleaning checklist, you’re in complete control. No awkward silences, no “I forgot my wallet” excuses, and no dreaded “ex” talk. 

Moving out

The only “ex” you’ll be dealing with is your ex-apartment, and we know you won’t miss it once you move into your amazing new place.

A sparkly clean apartment or house will not only impress your landlord (and hopefully score you your full deposit back), but it’s also good karma to leave the place looking awesome for the next tenants.

Essential Cleaning Supplies 

Essential Cleaning Supplies 

Before diving into the cleaning frenzy, make sure you have all the necessary tools and supplies. And maybe some extras—you don’t want to be elbow-deep in the toilet bowl, and your rubber gloves tear, or you realize you’re out of scrubbing brushes. 

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • HEPA vacuum cleaner 
  • Cleaning sprays for every surface imaginable
  • Sugar soap (to remove marks from walls)
  • Scouring powder or concentrated cleaning liquid 
  • Floor cleaner 
  • Microfiber cloths 
  • Microfiber mop 
  • Scrubbing brushes
  • Squeegee
  • Garbage bags 
  • Gloves 

Room-by-Room Move Out Cleaning Checklist

The Kitchen

The kitchen is where the magic happens (and by magic, we mean all those late-night snacks). 

Give it some extra TLC and get into all the nooks and crannies because nobody wants to discover last year’s leftovers:

  • Clean appliance interiors and exteriors (stovetop, oven, range hood, fridge, microwave, and dishwasher)
  • Wipe down small appliances (toaster, kettle, and coffee maker)
  • Dust and wipe countertops, shelves, and cabinet interiors and exteriors
  • Wash sinks and backsplash
  • Clean inside windowsills and window tracks
  • Dust and wipe baseboards, doorknobs, doorframes, and doors
  • Wipe light switches
  • Empty garbage
  • Vacuum and wash floors
The Kitchen


With no toiletries or towels in the way, now’s your chance to make the bathroom shine:

  • Clean and sanitize the bathtub, shower walls and doors
  • Clean and sanitize the sink and toilet (inside and out)
  • Clean mirrors, cabinet interiors and exteriors, countertops, and shelves
  • Dust all surfaces
  • Clean inside windowsills and window tracks
  • Wipe doorknobs, doorframes, doors, and light switches
  • Empty garbage 
  • Dust and wipe baseboards
  • Clean marks on walls and baseboards
  • Vacuum and wash floors


Let’s give each hibernation station a glow-up:

  • Dust all surfaces
  • Clean closet exteriors and interiors
  • Clean marks on walls and baseboards
  • Clean mirrors, interior windowsills, and window tracks
  • Dust and/or wipe baseboards, doorknobs, doorframes, and doors
  • Wipe light switches
  • Empty garbage
  • Vacuum and damp-mop hard surface floors
  • Vacuum carpet and area rugs

Living Areas

Show your common areas and living spaces some love:

  • Clean mirrors, inside windowsills, and window tracks
  • Dust and wipe baseboards, doorknobs, doorframes, and doors 
  • Wipe light switches
  • Clean marks on walls and baseboards
  • Empty garbage
  • Vacuum and damp-mop hard surface floors
  • Vacuum carpet and area rugs
  • Clean any closet fronts and insides
Living Areas

Tackling Challenging Cleaning Tasks

Some cleaning tasks are like taking on the final boss in a video game—they’re challenging, intimidating, and might make you want to rage-quit. 

But with the right strategy and tools, you can conquer even the most stubborn messes and emerge victorious. 

Here’s how to level up your cleaning game:

  • Stubborn stains (and “how did that even get there?” messes) Use a targeted cleaner and let it sit for a few minutes to work its magic. Then, scrub like your life depends on it (because, let’s face it, your deposit kind of does).
  • Grout and tile: Mix up a paste of baking soda and water, then apply it to the grout lines. Scrub with a toothbrush or groutbrush until your arm feels like it’s going to fall off. Rinse with water and admire your handiwork.
  • Blinds and curtains: Use a microfiber cloth or vacuum attachment to banish dust bunnies and cobwebs. For extra credit, take the curtains down and run them through the wash (just check the care labels first—nobody wants to end up with doll-sized drapes).
Tackling Challenging Cleaning Tasks

Move Out Cleaning Tips You Can’t Afford to Miss

We know cleaning isn’t how you really want to spend your weekend. You’d rather be literally doing anything else. 

Unfortunately, the move-out clean is a necessary evil. 

Fear not, though! 

We’ve got some tips to make the process as painless as possible:

Give yourself plenty of time

Waiting until the last minute to start cleaning will just end in tears.

Start a few days before your move so you can take breaks, blast some Tay Tay, and have a little fun with it. 

Start with storage spaces

Get a head start by cleaning out storage areas and basements as you pack them up.

Think of it like a warm-up before the big game. Instead of stretching, you’re dusting cobwebs and questioning your life choices.

Baby steps

Cleaning a little bit each day leading up to your move can make the final cleaning easier. 

Some tasks, like descaling or de-grouting the shower, can take longer than waiting for your favorite show to return from last season. 

Do yourself a solid and do a little bit each time you shower so you won’t be stuck scrubbing on move-out day until your fingers prune.

Defrost early

If you have an old-school freezer so packed with ice that it’s holding your half-empty bottle of vodka hostage, it’s time to take action. 

Defrosting can take a few hours, so turn the unit off, throw down some towels, grab a snack (or wrestle that vodka free), and let it work its magic.

Reward Yourself

After all that hard work, you deserve a treat! 

Whether it’s a pint of your favorite ice cream, a Netflix binge, or a well-deserved nap, reward yourself for a job well done. 

You’ve earned it, you cleaning maverick, you!

Reward Yourself

Bonus tips!

Here are some extra nuggets of wisdom to guarantee your place looks so pristine your landlord will be begging you to stay (or at least not curse your name). 

  • Remove all nails from the walls and patch the holes
  • Repaint, if needed, to cover any scuffs or marks
  • Dust ceiling fans
  • If you have a house, mow the lawn.
  • Clean and sweep the attic, basement, and garage if you have them.

Move-out cleaning doesn’t have to be a drag. 

With these move out cleaning checklist tips and a positive attitude, you’ll be dancing your way to a sparkling, clean space in no time. 

Let MaidThis Save the Day!

Look, we get it—move-out cleaning is about as fun as a root canal. That’s where we come in! At MaidThis, we’re all about making your life easier. 

We know you’ve got better things to do than scrub toilets (like practicing your best “I woke up like this” face or perfecting your sock puppet theater production).

Book a move-out cleaning service with MaidThis, and you can expect:

  • A top-to-bottom, no-holds-barred clean
  • Serious attention to detail
  • Eco-friendly, pet-safe cleaning products (because we love fur babies, too!)
  • Flexible scheduling
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee (because if you’re not happy, we’re not happy).

Our rockstar cleaners come fully equipped and ready to make your place sparkle like a diamond. 

So why stress about move-out cleaning when you can leave it to the pros? 

Fill out our quick and easy online form, and we’ll cover the rest. You’ve got a new chapter to start—let us help you end this one on a high note!

What should I clean when moving out?

Our ultimate move-out clean checklist has got you covered—just download, print, and check off as you go!

How much cleaning should I do before moving out?

If you want your deposit back (and who doesn’t?), aim for a deep clean. We’re talking every surface, every corner, every everything.

How clean should your house be when you move?

Aim to leave your place in the same condition as when you moved in (or even better!).

How do I clean my house before leaving?

Download our move-out cleaning list and work through it room by room, starting from the top and working your way down. 

What if I don’t have time to clean before moving out? (because life happens)

Sometimes, life just gets in the way of your cleaning plans. That’s where we come in! Our team of cleaning ninjas at MaidThis can swoop in and save the day (and your deposit). Just call us, and we’ll handle the rest—no judgment, no stress, just a sparkling clean space.

The post The Ultimate Move-Out Cleaning Checklist: Tips, Tricks, and Hacks for a Stress-Free Clean appeared first on MaidThis.

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