Home Cleaning Tips and Tricks!

home cleaning tips

Let’s face it, our homes are not always the cleanest of places. Pets, guests, and the general hustle and bustle of daily life can spread dust and dirt everywhere, especially in those hard-to-reach areas. But fear not, because, with a little know-how, you can keep your home looking and feeling hygienic.

That’s why MaidThis! has compiled a list of home cleaning tips for the Los Angeles community, so you can tackle any mess with confidence. From removing shoe grime to deep cleaning your living room to removing carpet stains, we’ve got you covered. So let’s dive in and make you ready to give your home the TLC it deserves.

Stock up on two of the best cleaning products out there

Now, you’re probably expecting us to praise some state-of-the-art cleaning products, made out of a unicorn’s hoof and phoenix’s beak, or some such. Nope, it’s just baking soda and white vinegar.

These two humble ingredients may seem like they belong in a science experiment rather than a cleaning arsenal. However, they’re actually powerful cleaners that can, more often than not, save the day (and your wallet).

Discover the wonders of baking soda

cleaning tips and tricksAnd, no, we’re not talking about cookies. Baking soda is a true superhero with its ability to neutralize odors and break down grease and grime. This makes it phenomenal for cleaning surfaces such as shower walls, bathroom floors, sinks, stovetops, and even the inside of your oven.


Odors? What odors?

As for the smelly smells, baking soda absolutely annihilates them, and you can use it in several ways:

  • To remove smells from the fridge, oven, or even closets, simply fill a bowl with baking soda and leave it inside overnight.
  • For more persistent smells, make a thick paste by combining baking soda and water, and use a toothbrush dipped in the mixture to apply it to a hard surface. Let it rest for 30 minutes to an hour, then gently scrub the area, and rinse it off with warm water.
  • For flat surfaces, you can just sprinkle baking soda in a thin layer and let it rest for an hour (the more, the better). After that, simply scrub and rinse, and the smells will be no more.

White vinegar: Not just for pickles anymore!

If baking soda is the superhero, then white vinegar is its trusty sidekick, at the very least. This mighty liquid is a natural disinfectant and does wonders against tough stains and buildup, such as baked-on food.

Where it truly shines, however, is in the bathroom, as it can tackle soap scum and mineral deposits such as hard water stains with ease. Simply mix it with water in a spray bottle, apply, let rest for a few minutes, rinse, wipe clean, and that’s it!

A word of caution

While both baking soda and white vinegar work great for regular cleaning, they do not work well together. Mixing them together produces a fizzy reaction that does look impressive, but can damage surfaces, and isn’t an effective cleaning agent.

Also, do note that both can be counted as abrasive cleaners on some surfaces, such as soft furnishings. As such, it is smart to test them out on an inconspicuous area, before going all out on using them in general cleaning.

Microfiber cloths are a must-have for any cleaning enthusiast

Microfiber cloth is your best friend, at least when it comes to cleaning supplies. Not only do they effectively trap dirt and dust, but they also guarantee that streak-free finish we all love and appreciate. But beware, for not all microfiber cloths are created equal.

Avoid using the ones that come in multi-colored packs because you never know what type of nefarious fibers are lurking in those neon pink cloths. Stick to neutral-colored microfiber cloths and avoid any that have glitter or sequins sewn onto them. Trust us, you don’t want to spend hours picking tiny pieces of glitter off of every surface in your home.

Always use the right tool for the job

Another thing to keep in mind is to use the right microfiber cloth for the right surface. Using the same one for everything is like using a hammer for every home repair job – it “might” work, but it just “might” not be the best tool for the job. For example, use a cloth with a tighter weave to clean glass surfaces and a softer, fluffier cloth for dusting delicate surfaces.

Microfiber cloth needs some TLC, too

Finally, remember to wash your microfiber cloths separately from your regular laundry. You don’t want to end up with a lint rag. Ending up with a lint-free rag is ok, though. And definitely don’t use fabric softener – it will ruin the microfiber’s ability to trap dirt and dust.

Blood stain removal cleaning

We’ve all had accidents cutting ourselves and ending up with stubborn stains on our clothes or the floors and carpets. Fret not, for there are ways to remove these nuisances without too much effort:

  • Make a paste from cornstarch or talcum powder and water and use it to blot out the spots of blood until it’s dry. Then, you can simply use a brush followed by a vacuum cleaner to remove the residue. Do note that this method only works on non-porous surfaces.
  • You can do the same thing by using meat tenderizing powder and water. It would take about 20 minutes or so, but you will have the chance to remove those tough stains.
  • You can also remove blood from leather (e.g. leather upholstered furniture) with the help of hydrogen peroxide. It will react with the natural enzyme catalase, breaking down the blood, and allowing you to wipe it off with only a damp cloth.
  • If you have drops of blood falling on the fabric, then you can do the peroxide trick again, but it will take more than a few applications to ensure you have it cleaned out with no issues.

home cleaning advice

Cleaning crayon marks

Having a child with an artistic streak means you will need to deal with their endless propensity to the creation of stubborn stains in the most inconvenient places. Fortunately, you won’t have to worry much about it with these next two cleaning tips:

  • A simple old toothbrush and some toothpaste can get the crayons out of cloth and, sometimes, even from upholstered furniture.
  • Instead of using expensive cleaning supplies, you can use an ammonia-soaked cloth to remove marks from hard surfaces. This works best on painted walls, just remember to wear rubber gloves, since ammonia isn’t too skin-friendly.

Regardless of which of the above methods you use, remember to rinse clean each spot with a damp cloth once you’re done and let it dry off when you’re finished.

Window Cleaning

Windows tend to be a real bother if the streets are dusty or you live in an area that requires you to clean them on a regular basis. Thankfully, there is a way you can do this with minimal effort.

Simply mix water and white vinegar in a spray bottle to get a cheap and effective glass cleaner. For the best effect, use this cleaning solution in combination with either a microfiber cloth, paper towels, or even old newspaper.

Who can help me if I don’t have the time to use these cleaning tips?

A perfectly valid question! If you’d rather spend your time watching your favorite show than deep cleaning or playing with your furry friend rather than removing pet hair, MaidThis is here to make that possible.

We can help you find the perfect professional cleaners to fit your needs, so you can kick back and relax. With our rigorous vetting process, you can be sure that your home will be in good hands. Give us a call today and enjoy a clean house with zero effort on your part.

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