Partnering With Local Businesses To Help Your STR Stand Out

partner with local biz

The Short Term Rental market is competitive. The key to ensuring maximum occupancy is excellent reviews. Great reviews are achieved through great location, immaculate furnishings, and an exemplary level of service from the owner.

But if this is the formula to achieve great reviews, what can you do to make yourself stand out from everyone else who knows and uses the formula?

Intent in selecting your furnishings and service can help you stand out, even amongst a sea of fellow 5-star properties. That’s why partnering with local businesses can help you stay atop the favorites for previous customers, and be the first choice for new customers, by showing your guests that you care.

And showing your fellow local businesses that you care about them, too.

Support Local and Local Supports You

Owning and marketing an STR makes you an entrepreneur, and other entrepreneurs can be a great boon to your occupancy goals because they understand how fickle customers can be. Since they understand the importance of a stellar review, they are more likely to support you by going above and beyond for your guests if you are supporting their own business.

Depending on what type of location you are promoting and what your customers are likely to be doing during their stay, you can choose to support local businesses that meet your theme and vibe. Whether it is a quiet country getaway or an energetic downtown launching pad for a night on the town, knowing your fellow local entrepreneurs and what they do best can give you an edge by giving your guests a positive experience they may not be expecting. You also build a community that will translate into support and cooperation in your future endeavors. 

Samples Are Appreciated

While not mandatory, most STR owners provide little touches of gratitude for their upcoming stays. These small extras greatly impact the impression of the guests, and therefore immediately set the tone of the level of care they can expect while staying at your property. But instead of a pack of Oreo cookies, why not choose a batch of homemade chocolate chip cookies as a welcome gift? A regular partnership in this way can also help you negotiate better pricing for these samples, which can lower your costs while still providing a boutique level of service.

The added benefit of providing samples from local businesses is that you are supporting them by buying their goods, and that goes a long way toward gaining favor for those times when you need a little extra from these businesses. Promoting their business at no charge while also gaining favor with your guests is a win for everyone involved. Rest assured that the good deed will be rewarded by their recommendation of your home when asked for an interesting local stay. 

Better Than Recommendations

Buying local and promoting those small businesses in your area that create quality goods and services also provides your guests with some frame of reference of places to try while staying in the area. Telling a guest that the local cheese shop has good cheese is helpful, but providing a small cheese platter for your guests to sample builds credibility in your knowledge of all things local. With that credibility comes comfort, which leads to return visits or recommendations to their friends and family or social media followers.

Knowing your community and its offerings also helps you to tailor any additional requests that your guests may have for their stay. Families with young kids can be given coupons to local attractions or free play during their stay with handmade toys from a local artisan. A couple looking for a romantic getaway can try samples of the local winery or a package deal to a candlelight bistro.

Pairing your STR and its guests who will be coming in regularly to stay, with the special service ability and flexibility of your local business, brings customers to them and assures return customers for you. Not all local businesses will be game to partner with your services. Still, in the competitive market of a soft economy, there will be other entrepreneurs willing to offer their expertise and services to your customers in exchange for you introducing your guests to their businesses.

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