Why Your Home Needs an Annual Deep Cleaning Checklist

While it’s nice to have uncluttered personal spaces, most people underestimate the power of deep cleaning their homes. For those of us with kids, pets, or a lot of foot traffic, it’s best to do this more than once a month. Depending on the size of your home or space, this process calls for planning if you want to finish in a short time. Creating a deep cleaning checklist is also beneficial if your resources or time are limited.

Choosing the Right Equipment for a Proper Deep Cleaning

We see a lot of great gadgets advertised online and on television but not every cleaning tool is meant for every home. For instance, if you have a couple of miniblinds in your bathroom or kitchen, there’s no need to invest in a power washer. At the same time, those thin cleaning cloths in the cute dispensers are great for small cleanups. However, these can be a waste for surfaces covered with thick dust.

Truthfully, you don’t need fancy equipment or expensive organic brand products for a better home. If someone in your home suffers from allergies, scent-free cleaning products are worth considering. For those who want to save money on cleaning products, here’s an essential cleaning item list:

Cleaning supplies for a deep cleaning
  • A combination of old cloths, sponges, and towels
  • At least one scouring pad. Since these vary or you’re cleaning a multitude of surfaces, getting an all-purpose pan and one that is heavy, or light, duty should suffice
  • A scrub brush or old toothbrush
  • A medium-sized spray bottle
  • Two buckets – one for clean water and one for dirty water
  • Old clothes or a protective cover, like an old t-shirt

Most cleaning products have pluses and minuses, like a great scent but aren’t the most effective when used alone. White vinegar is an effective cleaner, but the aroma can be distracting. Baking soda and borax are budget-friendly products that are non-caustic and have a variety of uses. If you like things sparkly white but hate using chlorine bleach, there are many non-staining alternatives on the market.

Overall, the basics you need include an antibacterial multipurpose cleaner, degreaser, and dishwashing liquid. Modern degreasing products don’t require room ventilation or gloves. A few degreasers even work on contact but if it’s been several meals since your oven’s last cleaning, shop around.

Should You Clean Your Entire Home or by Room

If your home is small, you can probably clean everything in a single day or a few hours. Some people enjoy taking on multiple rooms and won’t quit until late in the day. While there are advantages to getting it out of the way, there’s also something called time. Then again, not all of us have the type of energy to do a thorough job.

Cleaning a room or two a day frees you to do other things like go shopping or rest after a long week. Some people don’t mind taking weeks to clean their entire home, especially if they take time with small details. The downside is weeks can turn into months and life goes on. This approach may result in stopping the process entirely because it takes so long.

Make an Effective Cleaning Checklist for the Entire Home

Outside of getting the right supplies together for each room, this requires planning. If you need time to let certain cleaning products sit for the best results, it’s best to get these out of the way. You can work on short tasks like wiping counters or clearing out the pantry.

The best way to ensure every space in your work area is clean is to wipe down surfaces until they are spotless. You should also check for burned-out bulbs, and drawers open and close properly, and throw out anything that’s not being used. While sentimental items should always be considered, these should be placed in an area where it’s safe from possible damage.

Try Detailed Deep Cleaning Checklist by the Room

If you’ve spent time simply dusting and wiping surfaces, chances are you missed a spot – or two. Sometimes we don’t think about these hidden areas until it’s time to move and a collection of dust bunnies greets us. This is one reason why some people prefer to take their time and not have the need to complete everything at once.

Entryway or Foyer

  • As entrances always make the initial impression, this is the place where cleanliness begins.
  • Door Knobs on both sides should be wiped with an antibacterial cleaner.
  • Floors should be mopped, and all overcoats and shoes should be organized and not block entry.


  • Cleaning surfaces with diluted white vinegar or baking soda is best, as perfumes used with commercial cleaners can seep into food.
  • Throw out all old food both in the fridge and pantry before wiping the surface.
  • Ovens should be cleaned according to manufacturer instructions but treat baked-on stains cautiously.

Living Room Areas

Living Room Deep Cleaning
  • Remove cushions from upholstered chairs and sofas to vacuum pet hair.
  • A damp cloth may be used to remove lint from deep crevices.
  • Also, clean light fixtures, including the ceiling fan, and if necessary, remove the coffee table glass.


  • Clean blinds or curtains and wash windows using a windshield wiper for best results.
  • Remove old clothes for donation or to recycle them as rags.
  • Throw out anything that’s broken or isn’t being used.
  • This is also a good time to dust anything that sits high, like a wall mirror or the top of a TV.


  • Clear cabinets and shelves of any unused products before wiping them down.
  • Wipe down corners and tight areas behind the toilet using a damp cloth.
  • You can also remove your shower head and soak it in a solution to remove hard water or replace the entire unit.
  • Use an old toothbrush to remove stains inside the toilet bowl and tub.

Professional Deep Cleaning Checklist Tips

  • If it can be removed or easily unscrewed, clean it thoroughly.
  • Be cautious of mixing cleaning products, as some combinations are dangerous to inhale or may damage a surface.
  • Also, learn the proper way to remove filters and vents, or if they need replacing altogether.

Call Us for a Deep House Cleaning Your Home Deserves

If your time is limited or getting your hands dirty isn’t your thing, MaidThis Carmel-Fishers is here for you! We have a team of experienced cleaners who handle all sorts of jobs – from moving to one-time events to short-term rentals. Visit our website today to learn more about our screening process to ensure the safety of your home.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the correct order to clean a house?

First, start with a deep cleaning house checklist and figure out which rooms have the most priority. Some people say the bathroom and kitchen are hardest to clean but your bedroom may have items for cleaning or organizing. Getting the biggest job out of the way first gives you a sense of accomplishment while working down to smaller jobs.

How long should it take to deep clean a house?

On average, it takes between six to eight hours, but this also depends on the size of your home. Sometimes, people say they can work faster by listening to music while they clean. Then again, others may want to take scheduled breaks in between room cleanings.

What are the steps for deep cleaning?

Using your deep cleaning checklist, you can determine which tasks can be completed in a realistic timeframe. Anyone with a dust allergy should air out their home before exposing themselves to areas covered with dirt and lint. If an area or room has been neglected, they may want to let items soak in a solution while cleaning elsewhere.

What is typically included in a deep clean?

A typical deep cleaning of a house entails wiping down all surfaces – from top to bottom. Special attention is also given to tight areas, such as corners and hidden areas that collect dust. For some, the cleaning process includes organizing items so they’re in a clearer view. This is also the best time to throw out expired or unused items.

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