The Only Bathroom Cleaning Checklist You Need

Nobody enjoys cleaning their bathroom. Most of us have waited until the very last minute to clean the bathroom before the guests arrived. We never realize how long it takes to scrub the grime off the toilet and bathtub. Before you know it, your guests are knocking at your door and wondering where you are.

The secret to a clean bathroom is a checklist. A bathroom deep clean checklist keeps you organized and on top of your responsibilities. You won’t feel behind on your chores or stuck on a certain task. Cleaning your bathroom doesn’t have to take as long as it needs to.

When you use our cleaning checklists, you won’t feel lost on what to do. You’ll have the right bathroom cleaning supplies at your disposal. Also, this list is broken into daily, weekly, monthly, and seasonal lists, so you’ll know what to do and when to clean to get your desired results.

Complete each of these tasks on your bathroom cleaning checklist to keep your space squeaky clean and tidy.

List For Cleaning The Bathroom Daily

List For Cleaning The Bathroom Daily

Daily bathroom cleaning doesn’t have to be a chore. This daily bathroom cleaning checklist will keep it looking pristine and tidy. First, you should declutter the countertops and drawer space. Decluttering improves your mood and your space.

Next, you should change the towels. Remove any towels from the floor as well. Hanging up new towels takes little time and keeps your bathroom smelling fresh. As you can see, you need very little tools and equipment to clean your bathroom daily.

If you don’t have a lot of space, you should use bathroom storage baskets or hangers to tidy up your space.

List For Cleaning The Bathroom Weekly

A weekly cleaning bathroom cleaning checklist keeps spots at bay. First, you should wipe down the counters. Mix baking soda and water for the best results. Wipe off the remaining with a dry, soft cloth.

Next, you should disinfect the toilet. Spray with bleach or foam to sanitize your toilet. This solution keeps bacteria away. Clean the inside of your toilet with antacids.

Sanitize your sink with vinegar water or your favorite cleaning product. When you clean the drains, use a clog remover. Be careful since these products can damage your pipes if not used properly. Finally, vacuum and mop the floors.

List For Cleaning The Bathroom Monthly

Cleaning The Bathroom Monthly

The bathroom cleaning supplies you need for monthly cleanings are an ammonia-based cleaner, vinegar, and dish soap. You will use this to polish the mirrors and to scrub your shower or bathtub.

Before you clean your shower or tub, you can mix the ammonia-based cleaner with vinegar and dish soap. Spray the solution onto the bathtub, hardware, floors, and walls. Allow it to soak for 10 minutes before scrubbing it with a brush.

Rinse the tub and shower with warm water from your showerhead. Wash your shower curtain, liner, bathroom rugs, and shower month in the washing machine once a month.

List For Seasonal Bathroom Cleanings

Seasonal cleaning bathroom jobs take place a few times a year. The list you’ll need is similar to a bathroom deep cleaning checklist, which takes place throughout the year. During this time, you should clean the inside of your trash bin with dish soap and warm water. Allow it to soak for several minutes before wiping it off with a soft rag or paper towel.

During a seasonal cleaning, you would clean the baseboards and the exhaust fan with a feather duster or microfiber cloth. This is a good time to clean out your medicine cabinet and safely remove any expired medications. Lastly, reseal any countertops or surfaces with a commercial sealer. By entrusting these tasks to us, you’ll not only gain more free time but also promote good mental health by reducing stress and enjoying a cleaner, more organized living space.

Why Choose MaidThis McKinney

Bathroom Cleanings

A bathroom cleaning schedule can make life easier. Still, this chore is not something to look forward to. You might still find it hard to set aside time to clean your bathroom. It’s still essential for maintaining a healthy home. If you can’t handle the bathroom cleaning yourself, contact MaidThis McKinney.

We understand that your time is precious. You might find you don’t have the time to clean the bathroom as often as you’d like. You can count on MaidThis to deliver high-level results. Our bathroom cleaning schedule works with your lifestyle. Request a free estimate today to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

What needs to be cleaned in a bathroom?

You should clean everything inside of your bathroom. It doesn’t matter whether you’re doing a weekly cleaning or a deep cleaning. It’s important to keep your bathroom neat and organized. Thankfully, it doesn’t have to be stressful. You should clean the toilet, shower, tub, sink, mirrors, towel racks, and all hard surfaces.

In what order would you clean a bathroom?

Follow this exact method. First, you should remove the bathmats and towels from your bathroom. Vacuum and sweep the floors. Then, dust from top to bottom. Next, clean the glass and mirrors before shining the faucets and fixtures. Don’t forget to scrub and shine the counters, sinks, toilets, and tubs/showers.

What are the most important duties when cleaning a bathroom?

The most important duties for cleaning a bathroom involve wiping down the counters and countertops. Ensure your vanity is clear so that you can disinfect it. You should also sanitize the sink and disinfect the toilet. Other bathroom cleaning responsibilities include cleaning the drains and vacuuming and mopping the floors.

What do professionals use to clean bathrooms?

Most professionals use baking soda to clean bathroom surfaces, such as the bathtub, floor, sink, and toilet. You should sprinkle the soda and spray vinegar on top of it for it to work. Our professionals use the safest cleaning products. We use eco-friendly products that are safe but effective.

A Final Tip for You

Now you know how to clean a house using secrets from some of the most qualified experts in the business. However, there’s something else that will make a difference in your life: When the pace is too much, it’s okay to let a professional company like MaidThis handle things for you. MaidThis is a reputable nationwide cleaning agency streamlined to lighten your load and give you the much-needed time you need to relax. After all, Aristotle once said, “The end of labor is to gain leisure.”

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