User-Friendly Airbnb Cleaning Checklist to Print and Put to Use

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Airbnb Cleaning Checklist to Print

A helpful tool to make cleaning Airbnb properties easier and to help you keep from forgetting important tasks.

Vacation rental cleaning work can be overwhelming and you might be nervous that you will leave certain jobs undone and then fail your guests. A printable Airbnb cleaning checklist helps you not only take care of every job but also move through them efficiently and without a lot of thinking involved.

What to Include in Your Airbnb Cleaning Kit

Having the right supplies will make it easier for you to scrub away dirt and leave the place smelling fresh. Airbnb cleaners should have the following available to get cleaning work done effectively and quickly:

  • Multi purpose cleaning spray that can be used in the kitchen, the bathroom, and all throughout the home. This saves you from having to keep a variety of cleaners on hand.
  • Fragrance sprays that can help freshen up the place after the cleaning work is done.
  • A multi function floor cleaning tool to clear dirt off of both hard floors and carpets.
  • Cleaning wipes that can be used for particularly dirty jobs and tossed after use.
  • Plenty of trash bags to clear trash from the place and set up each bin with a fresh bag.

Airbnb Cleaning Checklist

Certain parts of a place need to be cleaned between each set of guests and certain parts only need to be cleaned on a seasonal basis. An Airbnb cleaning checklist for Miami residents like the one available here helps you know what needs to be done.

  • When inspecting a checklist, look for those tasks that should be started first and get going on them right away.
  • Each rental property is unique and you may not need to do every task included on the checklist when completing Vrbo cleaning work.
  • Consider laminating the printable cleaning schedule that you choose to use so that it will not be damaged through use.

Off-season Cleaning Checklist

When you are not having guests at your Florida property, you have the chance to complete bigger cleaning jobs. You might clear lint from dryer ducts or move furniture during this time.

  • Check on your property regularly during the off-season to keep up with simple tasks such as dusting.
  • Make sure you take all garbage with you after cleaning during the off-season.
  • If you don’t live near your property, consider having cleaners check in on it during the off-season.

Airbnb Cleaning Tips & Tricks

A cleaning checklist for Airbnb work can be helpful but it is also important for you to know how to handle different cleaning jobs. When dealing with tough build-up, consider using a paste of baking soda and vinegar to handle the job. Always test new products on a small area before using them on a large surface and risking damage. Write down what works and what doesn’t as you handle different cleaning jobs so that you will remember for the next time. Know what order to do your work to save time. As you handle more rental cleaning jobs, you will get used to the work you are doing and figure out all kinds of ways to do your work better.

Make Your Airbnb Cleaning Simple with MaidThis Miami

The work of keeping vacation rentals clean can be mundane and tiring – and you may simply not have the time for it. Don’t let anyone judge you if you seek out help. MaidThis offers maids who can make beds and do laundry, clean floors, and handle everything that needs to be done to clean a place between guests. If you are seeking an Airbnb cleaning service to simplify your life, call us or fill out our online form.

Frequently Asked Questions

How does cleaning work with Airbnb?

There are certain jobs that must be done to freshen up a place between guests. These include washing linens, taking out trash, and cleaning the floors. The cleaner the place, the more likely guests are to be satisfied with it.

How to clean an Airbnb professionally?

If you want to do a good job caring for your Florida Airbnb, having a printable cleaning schedule can help with that. This allows you to work through a list of tasks and make sure that you are covering every room in the place. You can download one from our blog post.

Are Airbnb guests supposed to clean?

Most of the rental cleaning work rests on the shoulders of the hosts. No guests should leave behind big messes or damage that is irreparable, though.

Why are Airbnb cleaning fees so high in Miami?

There is a lot of work that goes into cleaning a rental and making sure that it is ready for new guests. The size of the place and the effort put in by the maids hired will effect the cost and it can add up.

Where can I get the cleaning checklist template for an Airbnb for free?

You are in the right place! We have a checklist available on this website that you can download, print, and put to use each time that you clean your rental.

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