Try this 7-Day Weekly Cleaning Schedule for an Organized and Tidy Home

A weekly cleaning schedule helps keep us on track about what to clean and how often. While deep cleaning should be done monthly, sometimes there’s no need for extra labor if your house cleaning is done regularly. Depending on the size of your home and its contents, you might be able to skip a month without anyone noticing.

The best way to track what needs to be cleaned is to keep a weekly house cleaning schedule. Although the schedules don’t have to be followed exactly as written, they should be considered a guideline for keeping bacteria and viruses out of your home. In other words, you can swap out days from time to time.

Most people do this because they lack time, or something may hinder them from doing a task. For instance, if there’s a thunderstorm on trash day, it may be better to do this the day before. Here’s a basic recommendation for what to do on a specific day of the week and the titles are only suggestions –

Mopping Monday Cleaning Schedule

Mopping Monday

Of course, if you have carpeted floors, it’s time to break out the vacuum. Also, if you have vinyl plank floors or similar that can’t handle standing water, floor cleaners like Swiffer will do. If you live in a small place and notice stains, this is a good time to treat these using spot cleaner.

Rooms and spaces include –

  • Kitchen
  • Living Room
  • Bedrooms
  • Hallways/Service Porch
  • Foyer and Stairs

Tinkle Tuesday Cleaning Schedule

A somewhat silly name for one of the most important rooms in your home. Bathrooms can be very labor-intensive when it comes to making this room sparkly. Although some people like to use chlorine bleach to maintain the white look, this can damage your clothing. Bleach alternatives like OxyClean products do a good job without the strong aroma.

Areas in the bathroom include –

  • Toilet
  • Tub or Shower Stall
  • Floors
  • Sink or vanity
  • Shelves
  • Change bath mats and shower liner, if needed
Tinkle Tuesday Cleaning Schedule

Wipe-Down Wednesday Schedule

Wipe-Down Wednesday Cleaning Schedule

This is a day when you want to do more than wipe down surfaces and disinfect them as well. If you’re sensitive to chemicals or want to go the natural route, hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar are affordable choices. Going chemical-free may be the best solution if you have small children or animals at home.

Areas to be wiped down include –

  • Appliances
  • Cabinet shelves
  • Countertops and tables
  • Fans and light fixtures
  • Knobs and handles
  • Standalone furniture

Trash Thursday Schedule

For many, this task is often overlooked because it’s easy to accumulate too many items over time. While some things may hold sentimental value, others that just use the space over time must go. When items are unused but in good shape, you should consider donating them to a nonprofit organization like Goodwill.

Places to look for expired or old items include –

  • Bedroom closets
  • Home desk or cabinets where old mail is kept
  • Refrigerator and pantry
  • School projects that have no purpose
Trash Thursday Cleaning Schedule

Fresh Friday Cleaning Schedule

Fresh Friday Cleaning Schedule

If you live in an apartment with a laundry room or rely on a laundromat, it’s hard to avoid the weekend crowd. By washing your clothes, linens, and towels on Fridays, there’s less laundry traffic, allowing you to finish faster. You can also use this time to sort out dry cleaning and uniforms from your regular laundry loads.

In addition to basic washing, you can also do these tasks –

  • Hand washing of delicate items
  • Iron clothes to be worn the following week
  • Treat clothes for stains

Slow Down Saturday Schedule

For starters, congratulate yourself if you’ve made it this far. Cleaning a home thoroughly is no joke, especially when you pay special attention to every detail. Even if all you covered were the basics, this is the day to take inventory of what’s left over. Some people like to get kids or outsource these tasks to a professional house cleaning service.

Here are some things you can tackle on this day –

  • Light handiwork like hanging a picture
  • Treating stains on clothing or household surfaces
  • Deep clean appliances like the coffee maker, dishwasher, or washing machine
  • If you have items to donate, schedule a pickup, if possible
  • Clean electronic devices around the home like your disc player, TV and remote controls
  • Organize closets and drawers for seasonal weather
Slow Down Saturday Cleaning Schedule

Sunday Cleaning Schedule

Sunday Cleaning Schedule

This is your day or time to spend with family or friends. Now that your home is clean, you can take time to yourself or get out for an outdoor event. Even if you only did a few things on your weekly cleaning schedule checklist, you deserve a treat!

The Pros and Cons of Rotating Cleaning Tasks

Most people with jobs or are full-time students may do what they can during the week. This usually works for smaller homes where there are no children or pets. However, when life takes over, sometimes house cleaning tasks fall to the bottom of our priorities list.

Even the everyday stuff like dishes or laundry can easily stack up when we’re asked to do overtime at work. So, when a basic cleaning routine is thrown off schedule, there’s probably no time for deep cleaning. Some people save this for either the spring or holiday season, but it isn’t enough to keep spaces bacteria or virus-free.

You can combine cleaning tasks any way you like by keeping a weekly cleaning schedule. Some people use the room-by-room method where they work from the ceiling to the floor. This entails washing, wiping, and sanitizing. While each room may take about a half-hour to two hours, some people prefer to spend their weekends doing housework. Truthfully, it doesn’t have to be this way.

Using Professional Cleaners for Your Weekly Cleanings

If this list seems ambitious, don’t sweat. Many people who work and have other obligations might have the time to complete two rooms every week. The best way to ensure your home is safe and sanitized is to contact a professional cleaning service like MaidThis today. You’ll be surprised at how affordable and flexible these services are. Call us today or use our intuitive booking form to find out what our cleaning experts can do for your home.

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